Page 42 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 42
40 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 4, 2014
Pencil in the White highlight areas first. Next, fill the rest of the rib- bon in with Sunburst Yellow, being careful not to color over the White.
Add a little Burnt Ochre to the dark areas.
Use White for highlights and Dark Brown to fill in the openings. Fill in the remainder of the bell with Burnt Ochre.
Base the face (excluding the nose) with Beige, and then shade it lightly with Burnt Ochre. Place a White highlight on the nose, and then base the rest of the nose with Sunburst Yellow. Shade the nose with Terra Cotta.
Fill in the eyes and mouth with Dark Brown.
This refers to the piece the head sits on.
Highlight the platform with Beige, and then fill it in with Burnt Ochre. The
perimeter of the platform is Dark Brown. Create White highlights on the sides of the platform and the zigzag ribbon. Next, fill them in lightly with Limepeel. Darken the stripes and indents on the platform and ribbon with Olive Green.
The lightest areas of the box are Beige. Fill in the remaining area inside the box with Burnt Ochre, and then shade this lightly with Dark Brown.
The front of the box (excluding the panel where the letters are displayed, which will be done later) is first highlighted with Light Peach. Next, fill it in lightly with Carmine Red. Add a little Crimson Lake for the shadow cast by the ribbon. The
bottom edge of the scallops on the bottom of the box is Dark Brown.
The right side of the box is Limepeel, and is shaded lightly with Olive Green.
Fill in the letters on the front of the box with both Carmine Red and Crimson Red. Fill in the remaining areas of that panel with Burnt Ochre, shading the right side
with Dark Brown.
Notice that only a small portion of the lid is visible behind the box. Base the lid
with Burnt Ochre, and shade it with Dark Brown.
Highlight the bag with Beige in the lightest areas. Fill in the remaining areas with Burnt Ochre.
Base the strings with Sunburst Yellow, and highlight them with White. Shade the strings lightly with Burnt Ochre. Before filling in the inside of the bag, base the jacks that are in the bag with Cool Grey 30%. Carefully fill in around them with Dark Brown.