Page 66 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 66
artist’s sketch
Patricia de Torres, an SDP member since 1995, is a well-recognized pioneer of folk art in her native country of Colombia. A renowned teacher throughout the Americas, her prize-winning paintings have been exhibited in many countries. Patricia and her art have appeared in many magazines and on international TV. She serves as director of Craftroom, an art academy in Bogota, Colombia. She was awarded the Priscilla Hauser Award for Business & Industry in 2011. Email Patricia at or visit her website at
64 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 4, 2014
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The Decorative Painter
ISSUE 4 - 2014
393 N. Mclean Blvd. Wichita, kS 67203-5968. Allow four weeks for delivery.
Design is 35% of original. Enlarge 167% for actual size.