Page 71 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 71

Basecoat the door with Country Red. Float Rookwood Red shading around the inside door edges, floating inward all around the door. Transfer the door panels and door- knob with gray graphite.
Using a no. 1 liner and Rookwood Red, add the shading lines on the top and right side of the window and door panels. Line in the highlight lines on the left side with Pumpkin. With a very thin line of Rookwood Red, outline the door, window, and panels. Dry-brush highlights with Pumpkin to add interest to the door front.
Paint the windowpane using the instructions from the top window. Basecoat the window shade with Warm White+Deep Periwinkle (3:1). Lightly float Deep Periwin- kle shading around the inside of the shade. Line across the bottom edge of the shade with Warm White. Paint the pull with the same colors that were used on the shade.
Transfer the flower design onto the shade and the out- line of the sign onto the door with gray or white graphite. Paint the stems and leaves with Hauser Dark Green. Using a stylus, tap in double-dot flowers. Use the large end of the stylus to tap a Country Red dot first. Let dry. With the smaller end of the stylus, tap a Pumpkin dot on top of each Country Red dot.
Paint the knob with French Vanilla. Float Country Red shading and then deepen with Dark Chocolate. Highlight and outline with Warm White.
Paint the sign with Warm White+Deep Periwinkle (3:1). Float Deep Periwinkle shading around the inside edges. Float Rockwood Red shading around the outside edges onto the door.
Transfer the details onto the sign with gray graphite.
Tap in tiny “push hard” double-dot flowers (see Paint- ing Tips) in the four corners with Pumpkin and then Country Red. Paint the tiny leaves with Limeade and the stems with Hauser Dark Green. With Lamp Black, paint the nail and wire, and outline the sign. Highlight with Warm White. Using the Pigma Micron Pen, write the word Bienvenue.
Using a no. 2 flat, paint the molding with Soft Sage. Using a 1⁄4" angular, float Hauser Medium Green shad- ing around the inside edges of the molding. Deepen this shading with a second float of Hauser Dark Green. Us- ing a no. 6 liner, dry-brush highlights with Warm White down the center areas. Outline with Hauser Dark Green. On the right side and below the door where the step is, add a thicker Hauser Dark Green line. At the corner of the step where these two lines meet, float Lamp Black onto the step.
Basecoat the doormat with French Vanilla. Add a Country Red line just inside the edge of the mat. Float Country Red shading on the top edge of the mat and next to the decorative line on the left edge of the mat. Deepen the shading with Dark Chocolate. Highlight the bottom right edge with a line of Lemon Yellow. Add double-dot flowers like you did on the window shade, but use Warm White+Deep Periwinkle (3:1) for the first dot and a Deep Periwinkle smaller dot on top.

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