Page 70 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 70
Basecoat the pegs with Country Red. Float Rockwood Red shading around the bottom edges. Dry-brush Pumpkin on the round ends. Allow the entire piece to dry completely. Transfer the design onto tracing paper. With a stylus, gray graphite paper, and a ruler (where applicable), transfer the following areas onto the front of the house: top window, window box, horizontal board below the window box, molding around the door, door, window shade (except the flow- ers on the shade, door panels, and doorknob), mat in front of the door, and flower boxes (next to door). Omit the flowers, scrolls, bird, nest, sign and butterflies for now; you will transfer these designs later.
Using a 3⁄8" angular, basecoat the windowpane with French Vanilla. Using a 3⁄8" angular, float Country Red shading around the inside edges of the windowpane. Lightly transfer the grids with gray graphite. Using a no. 2 flat, paint the window molding, grids, and horizontal board with Soft Sage. Lightly float Country Red shading on the bottom edge of the horizontal grids onto the windowpane. Float a Lemon Yellow highlight on the top edge of the grids. Using a 1⁄4" angular, float Hauser Medium Green shading around both inside edges of the molding, grids, and horizontal board. Deepen this shading with a second float of Hauser Dark Green. Using a no. 6 liner, dry-brush highlights of Warm White down the center areas of all the above ele- ments. Outline all the above with Hauser Dark Green.
Using a no. 8 flat, basecoat the window box with Country Red. Float Rookwood Red shading on the side edges and bottom, floating into the middle of the box. Using a no. 6 liner, dry-brush highlights of Pumpkin across the top edge.
n I use a black Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Marker to trace the patterns onto tracing paper. I find it helps keep the pattern more precise.
n I used a 6" C-Thru Ruler with a stylus and graphite paper to trace on the straight pattern lines. n I used flats for basecoating the moldings, window box, door, and flower boxes.
n I use angular brushes to float shading and some highlights. Load the corner of an angular
brush with a small amount of paint, and blend well on the palette. Go over the floated areas several times to deepen the shading and lighten the highlights, allowing the surface to dry between coats. Use a mop brush to soften the water edge of the floats.
n I used a no. 10/0 script liner for all the fine lining, and nos. 1, 2, 4, and 6 liners for dry- brushing highlights in some areas, adding detail work, and painting the flowers.
n Use the appropriate size of brush for the area you are working on.
n Some shading placement is indicated on the pattern.
n I add DecoArt Easy Float to my water for floating and linework.
n To create “push hard” double-dot flowers, use the large end of the stylus and tap a dot with
the first color. Let dry a little. Then use the smaller end of the stylus to tap a dot right on top of the first dot with a second color. Push hard while at the same time twirling the stylus. You will get a center with the first color and a circle around it with the second color.
68 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014 dEcOratIvEpaINtErS.Org