Page 86 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 86
84 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO.
When painting any given area, select the brush size according to the size of the area to be painted. For instance, use a large brush to paint a large area and a small brush to paint a small area. Follow this rule unless otherwise instructed.
COLOR mIxES: Note that the Darkest Value changes for each item being painted. Those mixes are included throughout the Flowers instructions.
Mid Value: Titanium White+Naples Yellow Light
Light Value: Titanium White+Cadmium Yellow Medium Dark Value: Naples Yellow Light+Brown Madder
PETALS: Darkest Value: Brown Madder+Raw Umber
Basecoat the flowers with Mid Value. Now apply each value, according to the
Flower Step-by-Step. Blend well where one value touches another. Before moving from one value to the next, remove as much color from the brush as possible by wiping it on a paper towel. Do not over-blend, as this will result in a muddy look. Blend the Darkest Value lightly by using only the corner of the brush. Using a clean brush, add the Titanium White highlights.
CEnTER: Darkest Value: Brown Madder+Raw Umber
Blend the edges with Darkest Value. For the pollen, use a mix of Titanium
White+Mona Lisa Paint Thinner to an ink consistency. Apply it with the no. 1 droplet brush.
Light Value: Naples Yellow Light+Raw Sienna+tch Titanium White Mid Value: Alizarin Crimson+Brown
Dark Value: Indian Red+Alizarin Crimson+tch Titanium White Darkest Value: Brown Madder+Raw Sienna
Blend the Darkest Value well, but do not touch the Light Value.
The highlights on the nectarines are a very soft layer of Titanium White. Do not over-blend.
The stem is created with Brown Madder+Ivory Black.
Mid Value: Naples Yellow Light+Raw Sienna+tch Brown Madder
Light Value: Titanium White+Cadmium Yellow Medium
Dark Value: Raw Sienna+Brown Madder+tch Alizarin Crimson
Darkest Value: Brown Madder+Raw Umber+tch Alizarin Crimson
The highlights are a very soft layer of Titanium White. Do not over-blend. The stem is created with Raw Sienna+Raw Umber+Mona Lisa Paint Thinner
mixed to an inky consistency.
To create a more interesting painting, some leaves are painted with warm tones and some with cool tones.
4, 2014