Page 88 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 88

Light Value: Mid Value+Titanium White
Mid Value: Olive Green+Titanium White+Raw Umber Dark Value: Mid Value+Ivory Black
Replacing the Cool Leaves color mixes with the Warm
Leaves color mixes, follow the painting instructions pro- vided under Cool Leaves.
vEInS: Use the chisel of the brush to apply a mix of the Mid Value tones (follow the color instructions for each of the objects).
Place the veins slightly over the Dark Value on the cen- ter of the objects. Pull the color from the stems to the tips. Add shades of the Dark Value next to the veins using the chisel of the brush.
Light Value: Naples Yellow Light+tch Titanium White
Mid Value: Titanium White+Naples Yellow Light+tch Raw Umber
Dark Value: Brown Madder+Raw Sienna
Basecoat the ribbon with Mid Value.
Following the instructions for blocking in under Paint-
ing Tips on page 85, apply Mid Value, then Dark Value, then Light Value. Wipe the brush well, and then highlight with Titanium White. Wipe the brush well on a paper tow- el, and then apply the Titanium White highlights.
The dew should reflect the actual color of the object seen through it. Basecoat each drop with the Light Value of the object that it sits on. Shade with the Dark Value of the same object. All highlights are done with Titanium White+Mona Lisa Paint Thinner mixed to an ink consis- tency and are applied with a clean no. 1 droplet brush.
Use the no. 1 droplet brush to create the scrolls. Load the brush with the Mid Value of the cool leaves, mixing it with a small amount of Mona Lisa Paint Thinner to an ink consistency. When you are finished, wipe the brush on a dry paper towel. Pick up a small amount of Titanium White and create the highlights. On the tips of the scrolls, apply a tint of Brown Madder+Titanium White.
Let the piece dry completely. Apply two coats of Fol- kArt Artist’s Satin Varnish according to the manufactur- er’s instructions, allowing the first to dry before apply- ing the second.
When the varnish is dry, use the Krylon 18K Gold Leaf- ing Pen to contour the top of the shelf for an elegant finish. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. To apply the gold leafing to spaces that are too small for the pen, gently press the pen’s point up and down on the palette to get the gold ink flowing. Pick up the ink with the no. 1 droplet brush and apply it to the wood.
When the gold leafing is dry, apply a coat of FolkArt Artist’s Gloss Varnish. This will give the piece a little extra protection and a beautiful finish.
You can also apply a little extra gloss varnish to the dewdrops for a more interesting finish. The dew will seem to be wet.
Allow the piece to dry completely, and then screw the hooks on the shelf by following the manufacturer’s instructions.

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