Page 20 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2015
P. 20
Using a pencil, lightly mark a horizontal centerline on the light green sections of the sugar and creamer. Make tiny tick marks to divide the top and bottom edges of the light green areas into quadrants. Further, divide each quadrant in half, creating eight fairly even sections. Draw very light X’s to connect the tick marks and make a dia- mond pattern. Using the no. 8 shader and Midnite Green, paint the diamond pattern until opaque. Load the no. 6 fil- bert with Hauser Medium Green, then offload excess paint onto a dry paper towel. Dry brush the diamonds, starting at the center and working outward toward the edges; keep the edges dark. Load the dirty brush with a small amount of Foliage Green. Offload excess then dry brush a highlight in the center of the diamonds. Erase pencil lines.
Using the no. 6 shader with Midnite Green, apply a basecoat to the striped area on the teapot until opaque. Load the no. 6 filbert with Hauser Medium Green, then offload excess paint onto a dry paper towel. Dry brush the stripes, starting at the center and working outward toward the edges; keep the edges dark. Load the dirty brush with a small amount of Foliage Green. Offload excess then dry brush a highlight in the center of the stripes. Erase pencil lines.
Use the pencil to divide remaining Bleached Sand areas in half horizontally. Divide the sections into vertical quad- rants. Divide each quadrant in half, creating eight fairly equal sized checks. (Note: the checks may not be exactly square.) Using the no. 8 shader, apply a basecoat to the checks with Midnite Green until opaque. Load the no. 10 shader with Hauser Medium Green then offload excess paint onto a dry paper towel. Dry brush the checks, start- ing at the center and working outward toward the edges; keep the edges dark. Load the dirty brush with a small amount of Foliage Green. Offload excess then dry brush a highlight in the center of the checks. Erase pencil lines.
Transfer pattern or use the pattern as a guide to free- hand the design. Using Midnite Green, float shading under leaves. Use the angular shaders to paint the leaves. Apply a basecoat to the dark leaves with a brush mix of Hauser Dark Green+tch Hauser Medium Green. Basecoat the light leaves with a brush mix of Hauser Medium Green+tch Hauser Dark Green.
Using the no. 2 round, apply a basecoat to the berries with Grey Sky. (Refer to step one of Step-by-Step on page 17.) Use Cinnamon Drop to add a basecoat to the ber- ries. (Refer to step two of Step-by-Step on page 17.) Float shading on berries with Cinnamon Drop+tch Midnite Green. (Refer to step three of Step-by-Step on page 17.) Use the liner and slightly thinned Grey Sky to add a tiny comma stroke on each berry.
Use Midnite Green to float shading on dark leaves. Use Hauser Dark Green to float shading on light leaves. Use the chisel edge of the angular brush and Forest Green to stroke highlights on the dark leaves. Feather the color outward toward the shaded areas. Use Foliage Green to highlight light leaves. Dry brush highlights on dark leaves with For- est Green+Hauser Medium Green. Use Foliage Green+tch Wasabi Green to dry brush highlights on light leaves with Foliage Green+tch Wasabi Green. Float a touch of Cinna- mon Drop here and there on leaves to warm them. Use the 1⁄2" mop to soften as needed. (Refer to step four of Step-by- Step on page 17.)
Use Emperor’s Gold to base ornate trim, such as han- dles, feet, and etc., until opaque. Let dry. Mix DecoArt Staining and Antiquing Medium+Midnite Green (1:1) and apply over gold areas. Let dry then wipe back high areas with a damp paper towel. Using the end of a round han- dled paintbrush, paint dip dots with Emperor’s Gold.
Spray all painted surfaces with Crystal Clear Finish. The set is for display only. It is not safe for food or beverages.