Page 64 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2015
P. 64
Using the no. 8 filbert brush, apply a basecoat to the ornaments with Soft Lilac. Use a sideload technique with Williamsburg Blue+Country Blue on the brush and shade around the entire ornament. Shade the lower left side with this same mix, walking out to cover a crescent shaped area. With Soft Lilac+Snow (Titanium) White loaded onto the no. 8 filbert, highlight the upper right section by pivoting the brush in a circular motion. Strengthen the shading with Deep Midnight Blue and the highlight with Warm White.
Using water, thin Deep Midnight Blue, Shimmering Silver and Warm White to an ink-like consistency. Using the no. 1 liner, add a design to the ornament with Deep Midnight Blue and Warm White. The ornament hang- ers are Shimmering Silver. With thinned Soft Lilac, add a string line from the hangers to the top of the flank. With thinned Williamsburg Blue+Country Blue, float a shadow under the ornament onto the left ornament in
Designs are 80% of original. Enlarge 125% for actual size.
the design. Add a reflected light on lower left ornament with Soft Lilac.
Using the no. 6 filbert, dab in a tree shape with Tur- quoise Sparkle. Using a small snowflake stamp or a no. 1 liner brush, stamp or paint Snow (Titanium) White snow- flakes over the turquoise shaped tree. The tree has been painted both ways on the color worksheet. Dab over a few snowflakes with Turquoise Sparkle. Add a Snow (Titanium) White ribbon trailing through the tree with the no. 1 liner brush. Place stylus dots of Snow (Titanium) White and Tur- quoise Sparkle throughout the tree.
Paint hooves Lamp (Ebony) Black.
Varnish by following the manufacturer’s instructions. Make a small bow of pale blue ribbon and glue it to the top of the flank.
For a free design at actual size, affix two first-class stamps to a #10 SASE and send to: The Decorative Painter Attn: WINTER BLUE REINDEER ISSUE 3 - 2015
393 N. McLean Blvd. Wichita, KS 67203-5968. Allow four weeks for delivery.
artist’s sketch
Avis Poyhonen cda has been an avid painter and teacher for more than 25 years. She has authored many design packets, books and projects for national magazines, and has been a proud participant in projects for the National Museum of Decorative Painting, the Smithsonian and the White House. Avis has been a SDP member since 1985. She lives in Wisconsin, where you may write her at 3232 Leahy Ave., Stevens Point, WI, 54481, or email her at
62 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2015