Page 74 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2015
P. 74

Using the no. 3 round, paint the poinsettia leaves with Hauser Medium Green. Let dry and apply a second coat for good coverage. Using the no. 8 shader and Hauser Dark Green, shade the leaves under the flower petals. Walk the color out toward the middle of the leaf. Use the mop to soften the shading on the petals and also through- out the pattern, as needed.
With Midnite Green, reinforce in the darker areas under the petals. With the no. 6 shader and Hauser Light Green, highlight the tips of the leaves. This is done with a deli- cate touch to keep it soft and mainly on the outer edges of the leaf. Add just a touch of water to Hauser Light Green for a smooth flow. Use the script liner and thinned paint to pull the vein lines from the edge closest to the petal’s outer tip.
The bottom layer of the flower petal is painted with a mix of Country Red and Antique Maroon. Let dry and add a second coat for coverage. Using no. 6 shader, high- light the tips of these petals with Country Red. Next, paint the top layer of flower pet- als Country Red. Let dry, and then apply a second coat. With the no. 8 shader, shade around the center of the flower with Antique Maroon. Mix Country Red+Bleached Sand (3:1) with a touch of Bleached Sand. Using the no. 0 blending brush and this mixture, dip dry brush into paint mixture and rub onto a dry paper towel until only a light amount of paint is left on the brush. Dry brush the top petals from the center out toward the tip to make a soft highlight.
Using a small stylus, finish the centers of the poinsettias with tiny dots of Splen- did Gold.
Using the no. 3 round, paint the small star flowers with two coats of Country Red. Using the no. 8 shader, shade around the center of the flowers with Antique Ma- roon. With the no. 6 shader, highlight the outer tips of the flower petals with Country Red+Bleached Sand (3:1). Using a small stylus, finish the flower with dots of Splendid Gold in the center.
With the no. 3 round, apply a basecoat for the holly leaves with two coats of Haus- er Medium Green. Using the no. 8 shader, shade the leaves with Hauser Dark Green along one edge of the leaf, starting at the inside edge and moving out toward the tip. Mop to soften the shading as needed. With the no. 6 shader, mix Hauser Light Green+ Bleached Sand to highlight from the tip back to the middle edge of the leaf. Use a light touch with this highlight for softness. Add a touch of water to Midnite Green and, us- ing the script liner, add the veins from the inside out to the tip.
Using a medium stylus, add the holly berries with Country Red. Let dry. Using the no. 10/0 liner, add a tiny highlight of Bleached Sand.
Using the no. 1 round and Country Red, paint the cherries. Switch to the no. 4 shader and shade with Antique Maroon. With same brush and a very light touch, add a soft highlight of Bleached Sand.
    72 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 3, 2015

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