Page 71 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 71
ing with Payne’s Grey. Pull Snow (Titanium) White lines from the edges toward the center vein area. Use the 10/0 liner brush loaded with Snow (Titanium) White+Olive Green (1:tch) to add the vein line.
STEP 1: Load the no. 10/0 liner with thinned Hauser Dark Green to add a few spikes.
STEP 2: Continue adding spikes in the same manner using Olive Green.
STEP 3: Add additional spikes using more Olive Green, Olive Green+Sand (1:1) and Hauser Dark Green.
STEP 1: Use the tip of a no. 2 round brush loaded with thinned Khaki Tan to add the five petal shapes. Add the small slit openings with thinned Asphaltum.
STEP 2: Use the tip of a no. 2 round loaded with Snow (Titanium) White to dab highlights between the five pet- als and on the center. Float Khaki Tan+Asphaltum (2:1) shading around the outside edge of the sand dollar with the 1⁄4" angle brush.
STEP 3: Pat a transparent wash of Snow (Titanium) White over the entire sand dollar using the no. 8 filbert. When dry, load the 10/0 liner with Snow (Titanium) White and tap tiny, random spots around the outer edge.
STEP 1: Load the 10/0 liner with thinned paint and paint the small branches. Paint the top two branches using Khaki Tan and the lowest branch with Asphaltum.
Paint the feather using the same colors and technique as the previous pink feather.
STEP 1: Basecoat the palette with Raw Sienna and the thumb hole with Lamp (Ebony) Black. Shade the lower right edge with Asphaltum.
STEP 2: Highlight the upper left edge with Sand.
STEP 3: Add paint puddles with Coral Blush, Primary Yellow+Sand (1:1), Olive Green+Prussian Blue (1:1), Lav- ender, and Olive Green.
STEP 4: Load the no. 10/0 liner with thinned Payne’s Grey and establish the string. Highlight the string with Snow (Titanium) White. Basecoat the beads with
STEP 1: Load the 1⁄2" angle brush with Santa Red. Shade along the flip flop, behind the sand and in the areas be- tween the arms. Deepen shading with Alizarin Crimson. STEP 2: Dry-brush Coral Blush+Snow (Titanium) White (2:1) on the middle and down each center line of the arms. Randomly add speckles to the arms, along the top and along the left edge with “smushy” dots of Coral Blush+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1) using the no 1. liner. Add a few more dots using the same mix plus more Snow (Titanium) White.
STEP 3: Coat the starfish with DecoArt Americana Dry- ing Time Extender. Load the 1⁄2" angle brush with Aliza- rin Crimson+Dioxazine Purple (1:1). Deepen the shading along the right and bottom edge.
STEP 1: Float Dioxazine Purple+Payne’s Grey (1:tch) shading along the edge of the sole and above the sand with the 3⁄8" angle brush. Deepen shading with Payne’s Grey.
STEP 2: Extend the center of the sole below the sand dollar area. Pat Snow (Titanium) White in the cen- ter of each Antique White stripe. Pat Snow (Titanium) White+Lavender (4:1) to the Lavender stripes in the same manner. Soften with the large mop.
STEP 3: Highlight the edge of the sole with Snow (Tita- nium) White.
STEP 1: Load the 1⁄2" angle brush with Payne’s Grey. Float shading on each strap where it falls behind the decoration and along the area where the straps turns to the inside. STEP 2: Highlight the top of each strap by patting with Snow (Titanium) White+Olive Green (1:1) along the turn. STEP 3: Paint the hole around the area where the strap enters the sole using a no. 1 liner loaded with Lamp (Ebony) Black.
STEP 1: Shade the leaf using the 1⁄4" angle brush loaded with Hauser Dark Green.
STEP 2: Pull Hauser Dark Green lines from the vein line toward the leaf edges.
STEP 3: Load the 10/0 liner with Snow (Titanium) White+ Olive Green (2:1) and add the vein line. Deepen the shad-
The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2017 69