Page 72 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 72
70 The Decorative Painter
• SUMMER 2017
Dioxazine Purple, Alizarin Crimson+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1), and Prussian Blue+ Snow (Titanium) White (1:tch).
STEP 5: Extend the beads. Highlight the purple bead with Lavender, the red bead with Alizarin Crimson+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1) and the blue bead with Calypso Blue+Snow (Titanium) White (1:tch). Add reflection dots with Snow (Titanium) White.
STEP 1: Load the no. 2 round with thinned Snow (Titanium) White. Add evenly spaced polka dots on the sole.
STEP 2: Load the 1⁄2" angle brush with Light Avocado+Hauser Dark Green (1:tch). Float shading along the edge of the sole. Deepen shading with Payne’s Grey. Coat the bottom third of the sole with DecoArt Americana Drying Time
Extender. Shade the area from bottom of the straps to the sand by patting a small amount of Hauser Dark Green in the area so that it is quite transparent. Soften with a mop.
STEP 3:Highlight the edge of the sole with Snow (Titanium) White, avoiding the shadowed areas.
STEP 1: Load the 1⁄2" angle brush with Asphaltum. Float shading on each upper strap where it falls behind the decoration and on the top edge of the
lower strap.
STEP 2: Highlight the top of each upper strap using the no. 8 filbert loaded with Snow (Titanium) White+Yellow Ochre (1:1) along the turn.
STEP 3: Paint the hole around the area where the strap enters the sole using a no. 1 liner loaded with Lamp (Ebony) Black.
STEP 1: Basecoat the left brush handle with Calypso Blue and the right handle with Lavender. Shade the blue handle with Prussian Blue and the purple handle with Dioxazine Purple. Basecoat the ferrules with Snow (Titanium) White+Lamp (Ebony) Black (6:1). Allow to dry. Shade the right ferrule sides with Payne’s Grey. Load the no. 2 round brush with thinned Khaki Tan and basecoat the bristles. When dry, load
the 1⁄4" angle brush with Asphaltum and shade the bottom and right bristle sides.
STEP 2: Load the no. 1 liner with Snow (Titanium) White and highlight the center of each brush handle section. Highlight the left edge of each ferrule using the 1⁄4" angle brush loaded with Snow (Titanium) White. Load the 10/0 liner with thinned Raw Sienna to define the bristles.
Load the 1⁄4" angle brush with Payne’s Grey and deepen the shadows on the blue handle. Deepen the shading on the purple handle with Dioxa- zine Purple+Payne’s Grey (1:1). Strengthen the ferrule and handle highlights with Snow (Titanium) White. Use the no. 1 liner to fur- ther define the brush heads by adding a few highlight lines of Raw Sienna+Sand (2:1) and Coral Blush+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1). Add dark bristles using both Lamp (Ebony) Black
and Asphaltum.