Page 74 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 74

                                                                         Pat Parker • •
 band with Lavender+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1). Place a Snow (Titanium) White stylus dot in the center of each red diamond. Add Calypso Blue dots to the middle of each rib below the red diamonds. Add an Olive Green+ Hauser Dark Green (1:1) stripe on either side of the lowest Coral Blush band. Shade the wing along the right rib with Coral Blush. Deepen shading with Santa Red. Highlight the ribs on the wing with Snow (Titanium) White. Allow to dry. Float Payne’s Grey on the scallop where it falls behind the strombus shell.
Paint the feather and beads on the sand using the same colors as the pink feather and beads hanging in the sky area.
Extend the areas to be shaded in the sand area. Load the 1⁄2" angle brush with Asphaltum and add shading to the left of the starfish, around the shells and underneath the feather. Soften with a mop.
Remove any tracing lines with a kneaded eraser. Use the 2" taklon brush to apply several coats of DecoArt Ameri- cana Soft Touch Varnish, allowing sufficient drying time between coats.
Product #148-A
(Price $9.00 for paper packet; $7.00 for E-packet) Contains three different designs of brown rabbits. The pattern packet includes several pictures – step-by-step instructions, painting supplies, line drawings and general painting instructions. Information is for intermediate to advanced painters.
This pattern is also available as
an E-packet as well as a paper packet.
Dorothy Whisenhunt, CDA (325)695-1549 •
Join us for our Fourth Session of great projects by your favorite teachers!
We are also featuring our new “Oil Basics” videos for those who would like to learn oils and those who want to “brush up” on their oil painting skills. Join us at your convenience, in your own home, andenjoythebestseatintheclass!
   artist’s sketch
      Judy has worked professionally as an
artist, art director, licensed designer for
the craft and gift industry and as a com-
pany spokesperson and educator in the
arts. Her work has been published in nu-
merous magazines. With over 25 books
and videos to her credit, she offers a vari-
ety of painting pattern packets. Judy’s artwork, especially her holiday designs, can be found in many private collections as well as in the National Museum of Decorative Painting, the Society of Decorative Painters’ Permanent Collection, the Library of Congress, the White House, the Smithsonian Institute and in several presidential libraries. She received the CDA designation in 1983. Her newest book “Chalk It Up!” features chalking techniques for lettering and decorative painting. Judy’s most recent work is a mix of painting, chalk techniques, unusual background textures, embellishment and a variety of other experimentation. Her work is strongly influ- enced by nature, anything vintage, antique or repurposed. Her designs can be found at www.judithwestegaarddesigns. com; or you may contact her at
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