Page 73 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 73

STEP 1: Coat with DecoArt Americana Drying Time Ex- tender. Load the 1⁄4" angle brush with Prussian Blue and shade the leaf. Pat in a faint highlight using Hauser Dark Green+Avocado (1:tch). Soften with a mop.
STEP 2: Extend the leaf. Pat Olive Green+Hauser Dark Green (1:1) highlights on the leaf tips and the widest side of the leaf using a no. 8 filbert.
STEP3: DeepentheshadingwithPayne’sGrey.Loadthe 10/0 liner brush with Snow (Titanium) White+Olive Green (2:1) and add the vein line.
STEP 1: Extend the leaf. Load the 1⁄4" angle brush with Light Avocado+Hauser Dark Green (1:1) and shade the leaf. Soften with a mop.
STEP 2: Pat Olive Green+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1) highlights on the widest side of the leaf using the no. 8 filbert.
STEP 3: Load the 10/0 liner with Snow (Titanium) White+Olive Green (2:1) and add the vein line. Add an accent to the leaf tip using the 1⁄4" angle brush loaded with Alizarin Crimson.
STEP 1: Extend the flower. Load the 1⁄4" angle brush with Santa Red and shade the petals. Deepen the shading with Alizarin Crimson while the first shading is still wet. Soften with a mop.
STEP 2: Complete this step while the DecoArt Ameri- cana Drying Time Extender is wet. Deepen the shading with Alizarin Crimson. Soften with a mop. Load the 1⁄4" an- gle brush with Coral Blush+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1) and highlight the petals, turns and ripples. Allow to dry thoroughly. When dry, use a no. 2 round brush to paint the pistil with Snow (Titanium) White.
STEP 3: Deepen a few shaded areas with Alizarin Crimson+Dioxazine Purple (1:1). Strengthen the highlight areas with Coral Blush+Snow (Titanium) White (2:3). Add a few tints of Primary Yellow to petal edges. Add a Payne’s Grey+Snow (Titanium) White (2:1) shadow to the bottom half of the pistil using a no. 1 liner. Add pollen dots to the pistil end using Alizarin Crimson, Asphaltum and Primary Yellow+Snow (Titanium) White (1:tch).
Paint the branch and leaves using a 10/0 liner loaded with thinned Hauser Dark Green+Prussian Blue (1:tch).
STEP 1: Basecoat the frond using a no. 2 round brush loaded with thinned Light Avocado+Prussian Blue (4:1). STEP 2: Load the 1⁄4" angle brush with Hauser Dark Green and shade the upper half of each of the frond sec- tions.
STEP 3: Load the no. 1 liner brush with Light Avocado+ Olive Green (1:1) and highlight the frond sections.
Paint the feather using the same colors as the flamin- go feather.
STEP 1: Extend the shell. Load the 1⁄4" angle brush with Khaki Tan and shade around the shell opening. Shade the top edge with Raw Sienna. Shade the left side of each of the spiral top sections with Asphaltum. Pat a highlight in the middle of the large center area using the no. 8 filbert loaded with Bleached Sand+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1). Load the no. 2 round with Bleached Sand. Paint the stroke on the upper edge of the opening. Float Bleached Sand along the rippled edge on the bottom of the opening. Pat Coral Blush into the opening with the no. 8 filbert. Soften with the small mop.
STEP 2: Extend the shell. Deepen the shading on the top edge of the shell with more Raw Sienna. Randomly place Asphaltum spots on the main body of the shell using a no. 2 round. Soften with a mop. Load the 1⁄4" angle brush with Bleached Sand. Highlight the right edge of each of the spi- ral sections. Deepen the shading on the top of the opening with Alizaron Crimson.
STEP 3: Strengthen the middle of the large center area highlight by patting with Snow (Titanium) White. High- light the stroke at the upper edge of the opening with Snow (Titanium) White. Strengthen the highlights on the right side of each spiral top section.
STEP 1: Use the no. 1 and 10/0 liners to basecoat in the colors on each rib following the color placement guide. STEP 2: Float Khaki Tan shading between the vertical ribs using the 1⁄4" angle brush. Deepen the shading with Asphaltum. Pat a Snow (Titanium) White highlight in the center of each rib using the no. 8 filbert.
STEP 3: Highlight the coral bands with Coral Blush+ Snow (Titanium) White (1:1), blue bands with Calypso Blue+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1), and the purple
The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2017 71

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