Page 46 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 46
Salmon to highlight. Dry-brush some Burgundy Wine on each cheek. Highlight the eyes with Warm White.
The hair is highlighted with a liner stroke of Bright Salmon. (See Step by Step on page 43.) Shade the base of the hair with Burgundy Wine sideloaded. Let some of the color show on the background; it will unify and fool the eye to make the hair look fuller and set to the head. Strengthen by brush-mixing a float of Burgundy Wine+Payne’s Grey. Shade the base of each strand of hair. While shading the hair, shade the bottom of each of the buttons. The thread holes on the buttons are Lamp (Ebony) Black. Add washy Warm White stars and Burgundy Wine dots on the dress. Shade with Payne’s Grey. Highlight the dots when dry with a smaller dot of Bright Salmon. The edging on the dress is a liner stroke of Burgundy Wine and a highlight of Bright Salmon on each scallop. The collar and apron are shaded with Burlap and deepened with Pebble. Add liner stitches with Pebble. Highlight the apron, collar and pocket with Warm White.
Stripe Annie’s socks with a no. 2 flat brush loaded in washy Burgundy Wine. Shade both sides of the red stripes with full strength Burgundy Wine. The white stripes are shaded with Pebble on both sides. Dry-brush a highlight down the center of each leg with Warm White. Add a highlight to the toe of each shoe with Grey Sky. The basket is shaded and lined with Milk Chocolate. Highlight with touches of Spicy Mustard on the slats and handle. The flowers are simple stroke flowers. Using a no. 1 round or liner brush, stroke on Bleached Sand petals. Over-stroke with Warm White. Tap on Spicy Mustard centers and shade with Honey Brown and highlight with Banana Cream. Tap on liner leaves using Avocado, Foli- age Green and Plantation Pine.
Shade the flagpole with Honey Brown on the base of the ball, under the ball, above and below the hand. Brush on a small Banana Cream highlight in the open areas. Shade the blue square on the flagpole side with Payne’s Grey. With washy Warm White fill in the heart, letters, and stitches. Stroke on the red stripes with a no. 2 flat brush loaded in washy Burgundy Wine. Shade with full strength Burgundy Wine on both ends of each stripe. Shade both ends of the white stripes with Pebble. High- light vertically with a dry brush of Warm White about three-quarters of the way across the flag. This is not very bright, just to give a bit of movement to the flag.
The biggest trick to the dog is making her scruffy and resisting the temptation to make her smooth and uni- form. (See Step-by-Step on page 43.) After the scrubby basecoat in Zinc, line on some hairs with Zinc that go over the edges. The fur is a process, or dance, of back and forth ... refining, shading, dry-brushing, re-fur, brighten, deepen ... until you get the desired look. After the first coat of fur, brush-mix a float of Zinc and Lamp (Ebony) Black and float shadows on Sadie. Separate her legs, ears, snout, and tail. Refer to the Step-by-Step and line draw- ing for placement. Next add Lamp (Ebony) Black fur. Fi- nally add Grey Sky fur. You can dry-brush with Grey Sky in the open areas to soften her look. Feel free to repeat the process, re-establish shadows, or brighten/deepen fur. The scarf is lined with Burgundy Wine and Uniform Blue. Shade with Payne’s Grey and highlight with Warm White. Outline, if needed, with Payne’s Grey. Highlight Sadie’s eyes and nose with a touch of Warm White.
Streak on sideloaded Burnt Umber. Pick up some Avo- cado on your dirty brush and add a touch of green to the ground. You could add some foliage as well. With a liner brush and your greens, add tufts of green grass randomly at the base.
Glaze here and there on the edges with Burgundy Wine and Uniform Blue. Dry-brush with Warm White in the open areas. The string of lights is simple dip dots of Bleached Sand, Uniform Blue and Burgundy Wine. When dry, dry-brush with the base color to illuminate the bulbs. Line a cord with Lamp (Ebony) Black and add little con- nectors that hold the bulbs. Highlight the connectors with Grey Sky. Highlight the bulbs with base color brush-mixed with a touch of Warm White.
Stripe the white letters with Burgundy Wine. Add Warm White washy stars to the blue letters. Dry-brush the red let- ters with Bright Salmon in the open areas. Shade all letters with Payne’s Grey. The highlight is a dry-brush of Warm White through the center of all of the letters. I basecoated the base of the letter slider with Lamp (Ebony) Black.
44 The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2018