Page 52 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 52

50 The Decorative Painter
Sand, dust and seal the board using DecoArt Multi-Purpose Sealer. Using the no. 24 wash brush and Cocoa (thinned with water) paint the front and back of the board. Let dry. Basecoat the board again with Snow (Titanium) White. Let dry thoroughly. Sand the board, exposing some of the Cocoa.
Place the tan tissue paper over the pattern. Using the no. 2 HB pencil, trace the pattern onto the tissue paper. Dampen the edges of the paper and then gently rip the edges to give a torn edge. Working in from the edges, use the no. 10 or no. 12 flat brush and Burnt Umber to paint the edges of the paper to give it an old look.
Using an old brush and DecoArt Decou-Page Matte, center and add the paper to the board. Follow directions on the bottle. Work from the center out to the edges to help eliminate wrinkles and bubbles. If there are a few wrinkles it will add to the antique look of the paper.
NOTE: I paint in a very loose “painterly” style. Many students have painted my designs and “neatened” them up, with an equally pretty look. Please paint the design to satisfy the inner creative artist in you.
Using the no. 12 flat brush and Shimmering Silver, basecoat the wa- tering can, letting some of the paper show through. Tint several areas with a wash of Antique Green and True Red (refer to photo on page 48). Shade the inside of the handle and the left side with Burnt Umber. Add “flip-flop” highlights to the center, spout and handle with Snow (Titanium) White. Add the outline and details with the liner brush and Soft Black. Keep the line soft and “sketchy” looking.
The foliage is stippled in lightly with Citron Green, Antique Green and a touch of Plantation Pine. Keep the foliage loose with a soft ir- regular edge. Occasionally use the no. 10 flat brush to add a few leaves at the edge. Allow to dry.
Dot the centers in with a stylus and Cadmium Yellow. Using the no. 3 round brush and Snow (Titanium) White pull petals in from tip to center. Using the liner brush and Snow (Titanium) White and Blue Chiffon paint the smaller filler flowers in. Add some small red and pink flowers to the outer edges. Keep them very loose. Leave some of the smaller flowers unfinished. Some can be little more than dots.

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