Page 53 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 53
Both flowers are painted with a sideloaded flat brush. The smaller red flowers are True Red painted with the no. 10 flat brush and the orange flowers are painted with the no. 12 brush and Orange Twist. Both centers are dotted in with the liner brush or stylus. The centers of the red flowers are Cadmium Yel- low. The centers of the orange flowers are a combination of Citron Green and Plantation Pine. Be sure the center flowers are facing for- ward and then paint some flowers facing left, right, up or down. It makes for a much more interesting design.
These are the most important flowers and should have the most detail. The roses are painted with a blended combination of Snow (Titanium) White, Poodleskirt Pink and True Red using the no. 10 flat brush. The lightest value (white) is always on the tip of the petals. Start with the back petals and work forward. Use both the flat and chisel edge of the brush. Add Citron Green and Plantation Pine in the center. Highlight some of the petals with ad- ditional Snow (Titanium) White. Add a stem and two leaves to the rose at the base of the watering can. They are painted with Citron Green and Antique Green.
Add shading behind and under the water- ing can with a sideload of Burnt Umber. Also add Burnt Umber shading below table line. Add a bit of True Red tinting over some of the Burnt Umber.
Using the stencil brush and Burnt Umber, stencil the additional details.
See you at the
The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2018 51
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