Page 67 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 67
is Dove Grey with a little wash of Pebble here and there. Shade the corner and underneath the bridge with Graph- ite. Add a highlight of Warm White along the wall with the no. 8 shader brush. Mop to soften this color. The water is added with a wash of Wedgewood Blue and Warm White. Mop to soften the color.
Add the left wall in the same manner as the right side. When dry, add a light wash of Graphite over this side of the wall. The dirt area above the wall is basecoated in with the no. 8 shader brush and Light Mocha. Using the X-Large mezzaluna brush, tap in Burnt Umber. Tap in some green vines growing down the wall with Hauser Medium Green, then some Foliage Green and Avocado Dip for a highlight. Shade under the vines with Graphite.
Basecoat the grassy areas with Hauser Medium Green. Add some variations in the hills with a wash of Hauser
Dark Green using the no. 8 shader brush. Thin Foliage Green with a touch of water and, using the rake brush, add some blades of grass throughout the grassy areas. Thin Hauser Dark Green and, using the liner brush, add a few darker blades of grass onto this area and also up on the dirt areas along the road.
Transfer the details of the fence. Using the no. 2 round brush, add the fence on both sides of the bridge with Light Mocha. Shade between the boards and posts with Burnt Umber using the no. 4 shader brush.
Paint the outside of the plaque with Lamp (Ebony) Black. Using a rag or a dry sponge brush, lightly wipe on some Dark Patina to add some shine to this area.
Erase any remaining transfer lines. Varnish the plaque with two to three coats of Minwax Polycrylic Pro- tective Finish.
artist’s sketch
Marlene Fudge lives in scenic Lehigh Valley, Penn., with her husband and kitties. She has two beautiful daughters who are out in the world doing amazing things. Marlene is a self-taught artist and has been decora- tive painting for over 20 years. She enjoys trying many different mediums but always seems to come back to her favorite – acrylics. In the last several years she has had a lot of fun with the designing side of decorative painting.
Marlene has been a member of the Society of Decorative Painters for 22 years and belongs to two local chap- ters, the Lehigh Valley Decorative Painters and the Pocono Painters. She is also proud to be a DecoArt Helping Artist and a Dynasty Designer. You can contact Marlene by emailing her at
The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2018 65
Design is 40% of original. Enlarge 250% for actual size.
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The Decorative Painter Attn: HUMPBACK BRIDGE SUMMER - 2018
1220 E. First St., Wichita, KS 67214-3907. Allow four weeks for delivery.