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Engineering FAQs


               1. What are the various streams of              There is no difference in terms of curriculum and value
               engineering?                                    between B.E and B. Tech. While B.E is more commonly
               Some popular streams of engineering are Computer   used abroad, B. Tech is the commonly known name for
               Science, Electronics, Electrical, IT, Civil and   an engineering degree in India.
               Mechanical Engineering. Other upcoming engineering
               streams trending in recent years include Biotech,   5. Which branch of engineering has more
               Mechatronics, Automotive, Biomedical, Bioinformatics,   scope?
               and Instrumentation Engineering.                Most branches of engineering have tremendous scope. At
                                                               the moment, tech branches like computer science and IT
               2. Is choosing a new trending stream of         are the most popular. Students should choose a branch
               engineering worthwhile?                         based upon their aptitude.
               There are a number of trending streams in the field
               of engineering such as petroleum, cyber security, and   6.  Is it worthwhile to do a diploma before B.
               specialization in areas such as Big Data, IoT, AI, and   Tech?
               machine learning. Choosing these streams for B. Tech   It is the choice of the student. A diploma is a much more
               can be a great option as many companies these days seek
               students with specialized skills in these areas. If students   technical option and a better way to prepare for a full-
               are confident about their interest in a field, they should   time B. Tech degree. However, a normal 10+2 schooling
               consider such new streams of engineering        opens up other options in case a student wishes to move
                                                               away from the technical field.
               3. Is there any need of doing certification
               after completing B. Tech?                       7. Which is more valuable between Diploma,
               No, it is not necessary to do any additional certification   Certificate and B. Tech?
               after completing B. Tech. B. Tech is a highly professional   In the jobs market, a B. Tech degree tends to have the
               degree in itself.                               most value. This is because a B. Tech covers engineering
                                                               at a very deep level. Diploma and certification programs
               4. Which is more valuable between B.E and       are also valuable, but career growth after B. Tech is
               B. Tech?                                        much sharper as compared to the other two.

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