Page 11 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 11

WHAT DO I NEED TO                                     WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT

                                  CONSIDER?                                                FROM Eva?                                       DIVORCE NAVIGATION GUIDE

                            Properly completed

                         financial statements are                                     Legal forms can be

                          essential because they                                  daunting but have a long
                        record  information  that                                  term effect on your life

                          are required as a base                                           after divorce

                                 starting point

                                                                                       I provide detailed
                        You need to  decide how                                   direction and an easy to

                            you’ll handle family

                        finances  until you  get to                                      use process for
                           your final agreement                                   completing forms so you
                                                                                   can get moving forward
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