Page 13 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 13

WHAT DO I NEED TO                                       WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT

                                  CONSIDER?                                                 FROM Eva?                                      DIVORCE NAVIGATION GUIDE

                       Your future expenses post                                 Your life has changed and
                         divorce reflect your new                                it is essential to  be aware

                        lifestyle. This will include                                     of the financial

                             expenses based on                                        implications of this
                         changes to your lifestyle                                             change

                          You may change where

                       you live.  You may go back                                        I help you with
                         to work. Some expenses                                      experienced advice,

                       will   go up , others will go                               assisting with estimates

                       down.  You may have new                                      and proving templates

                           expenses you haven’t                                  for tracking new budgets.
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