Page 8 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 8
Physical Distancing
• Use floor markings to facilitate compliance with the social distancing advice of 2 meters, particularly in
RCL COVID-19 high-traffic areas, such as the cash counter and fitting areas
Measures • Remove or reconfigure the store space to allow appropriate physical distancing
• Not everyone can read signs or see floor markings. This will include people with visual impairments,
Accessibility learning disabilities and people for whom English is not a first language
Potential • Someone with a sight or visual impairment may not be able to see whether or not they are too close to
Obstacle another customer or employees
• A customer with a learning disability might not understand the 2-meter rule
• Despite language barrier images on the signage will guide customers on expected behaviours
• Point and refer to the signage when gently reminding customer to maintain distance
RCL Measure
• Don’t assume that someone is deliberately flouting the 2-meter rule if they come too close to another
to ensure
person. Gently ask them to step back or ask if you can help them with something
Accessibility to a
• Do not assume that a customer needs help simply because they have or identify with a disability
Disabled Body
• Instead, approach the customer and offer assistance in the same way you would greet any customer