Page 17 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 17

Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences

            employers’ budget when I’ve had what my brother calls a proper
            job!),  and  numerous  hours  in  the  pursuit  of  knowledge.  I’ve
            participated  in  a  wide  range  of  learning  interventions  such  as
            reading, online study, webinars and workshops. I’ve also trawled
            the worldwide web to satisfy my curiosity, often learning things I
            already know! As you read through this book there’ll be occasions
            when you’ll get that feeling too. When this happens, I’d like you
            to ask yourself this question… What have I done with what I know?
            and if the answer is, very little make a conscious effort to change
            that behaviour.

            Each guiding principle contains a section called  Keeping it real
            which includes real life examples of exceptional customer service.
            You’ll  also  read  about  appalling  experiences,  and  I’ve  made  a
            conscious decision not to name and shame. If the old adage, all
            publicity is good publicity is true, I’ve no intention of promoting
            the  perpetrators  here.  Therefore,  when  used  anecdotally,  I’ve
            changed or excluded the names to protect the guilty…you know
            who you are!

            There are activities and questions to help you and your team to
            reflect on your business approach, attitude and application. As it’s
            the use of knowledge that is powerful, the chapters containing a
            guiding  principle  end  with  Taking  authentic  action.  This  is  an
            opportunity for you to consider what you DO with the information
            you’ve  read.  It’s  a  simple  traffic  light  format…asking  you  to
            identify what you will START, CONTINUE and STOP doing now.

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