Page 21 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 21
Principle 1 Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
Google search on yourself or your business? You may be surprised
by what you find, and dislike or feel misrepresented by some of it.
However, if you hanker after the benefits that technological
advances can offer your business, you may have less control than
you think of the information on display. Many celebrities have
realised this to their horror and detriment. Sometimes they’ve
lost big money contracts and lucrative sponsorship deals because
they were caught behaving in a manner incongruent with their
brand. If you aren’t operating authentically, you will be caught
A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but the
world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the
crack was.
Written in the seventeenth century, these words of Bishop Joseph
Hall, have a special resonance for us today. At best, people will
question your credibility and reputation; at worst they’ll decide
with their feet and take their business elsewhere. Although you
may not be under the celebrity spotlight, chased by paparazzi and
hounded by twitter trolls, you’re still being watched. Regardless
of your intentions, you’ll be judged by your behaviour and how it
aligns with your service promise.