Page 33 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 33
Principle 2 Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
Your employees are more likely to consistently give their best if
they are given clarity about your aspirations for the company.
They need to know where and how they can contribute to these
goals, and what support they can expect to receive from you and
others. As authentic experiences start with you, it’s vital you
appreciate the importance your people play in the continued
success of your company. Making sure you do everything you can
to nurture an environment where they feel involved, informed,
and valued will pay dividends on every front.
Of course, for all your very best intentions, you can’t be there
24/7. As your company grows, you’ll need to rely on other trusted
members of your team to represent you. These people will look
to you for direction in terms of their roles, responsibilities and
behaviour, and will be in a position to have a major impact on the
customers’ perception of you and your company. If you or your
team are unhappy, unfulfilled, or stressed, your clients will soon
pick this up. Nobody wants to walk into an environment filled with
tension, particularly if they come to you for a break from their
working life, a treatment, or a solution to their problem.