Page 51 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 51

Principle 3                                                           Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences

            Will you be able to resolve their problem, or meet their needs?
            Recommendations  from  friends,  a  family  member,  a  past
            experience,  or  an  advertisement  (possibly  not  even  yours)  will
            present them with a variety of options.

            Checkpoint 2  First  point  of  contact  –  This  is the  moment  they
            make contact with your company e.g. your promotional material,
            information on your website, social media, a telephone call, or
            first meeting. Your customers first impression of your company
            will be based on these initial experiences. Are the elements that
            showcase your company consistent with your brand values and
            service promise?

            Checkpoint 3 Using your service – This is where they actually use
            your  services  or  participate  in  the  experience  on  offer.  Your
            customer will now be judging whether you are delivering what
            you promised and meeting the standards they believe you’ve set.
            What  are  you  doing  to  make  this  a  positive,  enjoyable  and
            memorable experience?

            Checkpoint 4 Leaving – The moment they leave you is often the
            time they form their most enduring impression. This could occur
            at the end of a treatment, at the close of a final coaching session
            or consultation, or just as they exit your premises. What do you
            do to ensure this is a memorable experience?

            Checkpoint 5 Thinking it over – Once the customer leaves, they’ll
            reflect  on  their  experience  and  decide  whether  or  not  they
            enjoyed  the  journey.  Sadly,  dissatisfied  customers  rarely
            complain…they’re more likely to just leave and take their business
            elsewhere. How do you check the customers’ perspective? Do you
            know what  your  clients  think  about  your  service,  what they’re
            likely to tell their friends, or whether they’ll come back?

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