Page 68 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 68

Principle 4                    Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences

                •  Use The Net Promoter Score
                    This is a metric for measuring your customers’ satisfaction
                    and loyalty, based on their willingness to recommend you
                    to others.
                    It’s based on your customers’ reaction to this simple, yet
                    profound question…
                    On a scale of 0-10, how likely is it that you would refer our
                    organisation to a friend or colleague?
                    Customers are then classified into 1 of 3 categories, based
                    on  their  score,  i.e.  0-6  Detractors,  7-8  Passives,  9-10
                    Promoters.    Research  has  found  that  improved  Net
                    Promoter Sores relate to higher profitability and business

                •  Set up focus groups with your stakeholders
                    Customer forums or focus groups are a useful source of
                    information,  particularly  if  you  are  looking  for  more  in-
                    depth responses. Make sure you have a clear outcome and
                    structure  and  invite  the  right  people  to  contribute.  It’s
                    often more effective to outsource this activity and run it
                    via a third party, as it can be difficult to remain calm and
                    objective when you start hearing things you don’t expect
                    or don’t like.

                •  Undertake a satisfaction survey
                    Surveying your clients’ feedback via a questionnaire is a
                    well-established  practice  for  checking  whether  your
                    business  is  meeting  your  customers’  expectations.  You
                    may not always like what you hear or see, but at least you
                    will have a good idea about what your customers think.
                    Subsequently, you can use this data to address issues that
                    may be affecting customer loyalty.

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