Page 87 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 87
Principle 6 Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
Perceptions count
A person’s viewpoint comes from a multitude of sources including
personality, values, ideologies, religion, culture, race, education
and upbringing. This rich blend of factors gives you a unique
perception of the world and influences your cognitive bias about
your environment and the people you meet.
Working in a customer facing environment involves many daily
human interactions with colleagues, stakeholders, suppliers and
clients. Everyone you come into contact with has their own map
of the world i.e. their own personal reality on how things are or
should be. Conflict generally arises because your unique
perception of the world and interpretation of reality is different
from others. It can also be the result of simple misunderstandings
arising from your initial judgements and unconscious bias.
The reason most people struggle with conflict is that their models
of resolution are rooted in battles, which result in winners and
losers. As society favours winning, you will defend your position,
regardless of the strength of your argument. Perhaps you can
recall having a heated argument with someone. It may have
continued for some time as you both stood your ground and
fought your corner, neither one of you wanting to back down. At
some point you may have even forgotten what the argument was
about because what took over was the need and will to WIN.
Conflict resolution under the win-lose model can leave you
unfulfilled, particularly if the battle is difficult and you are on the
losing side. Frequently, issues become personal and emotional,
wounds are inflicted, trust is damaged, and the relationship can
be irreparable. To resolve differences, you have to take the time
to communicate effectively and listen carefully to other points of
view as although their perspective may not be aligned with yours,
it is equally valid. The challenge with this is that if you were never