Page 92 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 92

Principle 6                                                          Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences

            personally and get dragged into a battle that you want to win at
            all costs. Be prepared to let go of what isn’t working or will not
            work and focus on what will.

            Step 2
            Acknowledge them and be aware of their state. Listen and allow
            them to vent their anger if they need to as this can help diffuse
            the situation. Ask an open question to ascertain the nature and
            extent of their problem e.g. Tell me what’s happened to make you
            so  unhappy/angry/frustrated?  It’s  important  you  only  use  the
            words they’ve used, so if they say they’re angry, use that word, or
            you’ll be in danger of being told you’re not listening right at the
            start of the interaction.

            Listen with empathy, without interruption and without preparing
            your reply. Their story may not be your reality, but it is theirs and
            therefore,  you  must  acknowledge  their  position.  It’s  important
            you show real interest in their complaint. Truly listening to them
            will make them feel important and demonstrate that you really
            care about what they think. Asking if they mind you taking notes,
            can help show your genuine interest.

            Step 3
            People can often talk a lot without getting to the real issue, so use
            probing questions to find out exactly what is wrong and how they
            feel  about  it.  When  you  feel  you  have  got  to  the  root  cause,
            summarise your understanding so you can both agree the main

            Step 4
            Any negotiation is easier if you know the other party’s desired
            outcome, so the best approach is to ask the customer what they

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