Page 93 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 93
Principle 6 Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
want or how you could best resolve the situation. You can of
course try to second guess what they want, but you may end up
offering something irrelevant to them. If they’ve already had a
bad experience, it’s unlikely their perception of you at this time
will be the best, so they may view your solutions with contempt.
Once you know what the customer wants, you agree a resolution
with them by checking that the issue would be resolved to their
satisfaction if x happened. Ideally, at this stage you’re looking for
a win-win, but sometimes it’s better to accept a loss in order to
maintain a positive relationship with the client. Remember, it’s
easier to reach a solution if you’re not defending your position.
Step 5
When the complaint has been properly addressed, summarise the
key points of the conversation and outline any agreed action.
Inform the client what will happen next, who will take the agreed
action, and the timescales.
Step 6
Say thank you, for their time and for bringing the issue to your
attention. If you want to add value to the experience, do it now
the issue has been dealt with. Any complimentary gift or service
should be given by way of thanks for their time and feedback, not
as a way of pacifying them and getting them out of your hair
Remember, they could just as easily walk away, never to grace
your service again, so be grateful they chose to speak up, rather
than silently seethe and share their frustrations with your
potential customers.