Page 95 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 95

Principle 6                                                          Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences

            Challenge your systems

            Effective  processes,  systems  and  procedures  set  out  your
            operational standards and rules of engagement. They are often
            viewed as hygiene factors i.e. people expect them to be in place
            and  whilst  they  won’t  WOW  them,  they’ll  create  a  heap  of
            dissatisfaction  if  they’re  not  there,  or  don’t  work  as  expected.
            These  management  systems  are  a  means  of  describing  the
            fundamental  deliverables  but  rely  on  people  to  translate  and
            dispense  them.  They  are  therefore  worthless  if  they  aren’t
            understood  by  all,  applied  consistently,  and  challenged  when
            they’re not serving your customers.

            Be prepared to challenge yourself, your team and your processes
            and remember that if you do the things you’ve always done, you’ll
            get  the  results  you’ve  always  got.  You  need  to  do  something
            different  to  make  a  difference.  Just  because  you’ve  always
            functioned in a particular way, doesn’t mean you have to keep
            treading the same path, especially when customers are telling you
            it leads to a dead end. Things change, customer needs develop,
            and you must listen and move with them if you want to stay ahead
            of the competition.

            Consider this…
                •  How effective are your current processes, procedures and
                    people in handling customer complaints?
                •  How do you track complaints and monitor the reasons your
                    client’s are unhappy, frustrated or angry?

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