Page 100 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 100

Principle 7                                                          Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences

            Doing what you love

            I  remember  having  a  conversation  with  my  Dad  when  I  was  a
            teenager. Having spent his life doing jobs to keep a roof over our
            head and food on the table, he believed work was something to
            be endured  rather  than  enjoyed.  I disagreed, and  in  a  manner
            commensurate with being a teenager, told him I was never going
            to do a job I didn’t enjoy. I recall him shaking his head and saying
            Life’s not like that Jac, to which I replied, it will be for me. You have
            to love the arrogance of youth.

            Years later when I was in my mid-thirties, my Dad reminded me of
            that conversation and said Fair play to you, you’ve always enjoyed
            your work. He was right, although I can’t tell you I’ve ever had a
            structured plan or a written list of major life goals.

            On reflection, my ambition was fundamentally influenced by my
            Nan’s response to a question I asked her when I was a small child.
            I  idolised  my  Nan.  She  was  my  best  friend,  role  model  and
            inspiration. Here’s the question I asked, If you could have anything
            in the world what would you want? She simply answered I want
            to be happy and healthy. How wise those words were, and I guess
            subconsciously  they  stuck  with  me  as  they’ve  been  my  focus
            throughout my life, as demonstrated in the cheeky response to
            my Dad and most of my life choices since.

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