Page 101 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 101

Principle 7                                                          Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences

            Are you due a life audit?

            Do you ever give yourself the opportunity to take stock? To give
            yourself a few minutes, hours or even days to reflect where you’re
            going, where you are now and acknowledge how far you’ve come
            on your journey? As a busy professional you are probably caught
            up looking after your business, your family and your colleagues,
            maybe to the detriment of your own personal wellbeing. To stay
            on top of your game and be able to perform at your best every
            day, you have to invest time in looking after yourself.

            It’s  important  to  balance  your  life  account  and  ensure  you’re
            getting the return on the investment you want. Seek activities that
            feed  your  brain,  your  heart,  your  soul,  as  well  as  your  bank
            account.  There’ll  always  be  highs  and  lows  and  you  need  the
            resilience to handle them with confidence, passion and humour,
            learning as you go.

            Consider this…
                •  How enjoyable is your journey…are you doing  what you
                    love and loving what you do?
                •  What are you doing to keep yourself fit, healthy and well
                    enough to deal with all the challenges life throws at you?
                •  Are you getting the right life balance?

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