Page 106 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 106
Where Next?
Continual improvement
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
Alvin Toffler – Writer and futurist
I wrote this book to help you learn, unlearn and relearn. Take this
opportunity to review and reflect your current practice and decide
what changes, if any, you need, want and are committed to make.
If you have what Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck
calls a growth mindset, you’ll continually seek ways to hone and
enhance your skills. You’ll love learning and view setbacks as
feedback, rather than failure; qualities which are essential for any
significant achievement. Dweck believes this mindset creates
motivation, productivity and enhances relationships. It’s not
about being perfect, it’s about seeing your intelligence and talent
as starting points, learning from your mistakes and recognising
your abilities can be further developed through dedication and
hard work.
I hope you’ve found this book an interesting read and a useful
vehicle on your learning journey.