Page 24 - Quantum Times 2020 Spring Edition
P. 24
AUSTRALIAN Australia. The climate of the Australian fire
FOREST FIRE has impacted a lot of people’s breathing. This
Australian bush fire made the environment
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go into a disaster.
These days Australians are living in a
Australia is located in the southern
disaster. I hope that this Australian bushfire
hemisphere, where the weather is different
can teach us how caring the environment is
fromCanada. People say that Australian fire
started in many ways, like lightning,
human actions, etc. The Australian fire
mostly impacted on the land, animals,
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people and weather.
The Australian fire impacted lots of land.
Have you been washing your hands? Well,
The fire lasted a total of two weeks and lot s
there has been a new deadly coron avirus
of the forest have been destroyed. The
that has already put 12 cities into quarantine,
Australian fire burned down 100000000 m²
which includes 50 million Chinese peop le.
of Australia’s land, which means an estimate
This mysterious virus has infected peop le in
of 30% of Australia. The fire ruined lot s of
over 24 countries, one of which being
Australia’s land.
Canada. Here is information on how the virus
Lots of animals have been killed by this
started, how you can protect yourself, and
fire. First, there are about 1 billion animals
how the world is reacting to the virus.
that were killed by the fire. Fortunately, now
For the third time this century, a new
on websites, we can donate money to help
coronavirus has transferred and infected
animals to survive. For example, we could
humans. There have been two other
donate an amount of money you want, then
coronavirus outbreaks in 2003, and 2012.
the workers will help you take care of and
This new string started in the Huannan
feed the animals. Because of this cruel fire, it
Wholesale Seafood Market in Wuhan, China.
made lots of animals die or hurt.
Experts say the virus came from either a bat
The Australian fire ruined the climate and
or a snake specifically. Since China is a place
impacted on the people that live there. First,
where stores selling wild animals is a
the sky has turned into a yellow-ish or ange
common occurrence, it is a prime place for
color. The fire killed about 28 peop le in
viruses to flourish.