Page 25 - Quantum Times 2020 Spring Edition
P. 25
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that total amount of people infected outside of
can cause diseases in mammals and birds. China. Experts say that fear of the
Most of the time, it will only cause the same coronavirus has even changed the stoc k
symptoms as a cold; however, there are a market. The stock market has drop ped for
few strains that can be lethal. This new on e the second day in a row. However, WHO
called COVID-19 has killed at least 3203 officials still believe that the virus can be
people and infected 93000 more. The virus contained and that it is not too late to stop
spreads the same way other cold- ausing the virus.
viruses do, which is through people who In conclusion, this new coronavirus
have the virus infecting others by sneezing, started with a wild animal in Wuhan. It has
coughing, and touching things such as affected tons of people, but you can stay
handles, doorknobs, etc. To keep you rself safe from the virus if you treat it like a cold
safe, you should get plenty of rest, wash and keep yourself safe. With all the things
your hands with plenty of soap, and keep the government is doing to contain the
your hands away from your eyes, nos e, and virus, perhaps just wearing an extra layer or
mouth. washing your hands can show you r
Well, how is the world reacting to the contribution to fighting the virus.
virus? There is a lot of fear, and many peop le
are wearing face masks to protect
themselves. Some parents are even asking
B Y K E N R I C A . G R 8
to postpone school because of the virus.
The Coronavirus is one of the most
However, the families living in or near
dangerous viruses in the world. It has
Wuhan are suffering the worst of it. Travel
already killed thousands of people. We
bans restrict people from visiting their
should take this very seriously, because you
families for the Lunar New Year Festival.
can easily get it.
However, a lot of the fear has died down in
The cause of the virus was because
Canada. Less kids are wearing masks at
people in Wuhan started eating variou s
school and masks are not in as much
types of different animal meats. The virus
demand. However, more recently arou nd
came from the seafood and meat market in
600 people have been found infected on
Wuhan, China, in December. It has already
the Diamond Princess. This doubles the
spread to other countries like the U.S. The