Page 5 - Quantum Times 2020 Spring Edition
P. 5
animals like koalas may not. In New Sou th
B Y C A M E L L I A Y . G R 3
Wales, around 8,000 koalas-about a third of
the states koalas-are believed to have been
Cooler weather and rain are expected in
killed. In other areas, like kangaroo island in
Australia but, this year’s bushfire season has
South Australia, as many as 25,000 may have
done damage like never before. The fires
died. The loss of animals such as koa las wou ld
have been terrible for humans and even
be really, really bad news anytime, anywhere.
worse for animals. Since September, the
It would be especially bad news in Australia,
fires have burned around 31,000 square
since some species of precious animals on ly
miles [80,000 square kilometers]. That’s
live in Australia for example echidnas and
nearly as large as Austria. Thousands of
koalas are only a few.
homes have been burned and 28 peop le
It’s not just about animals being killed
have died. Like the fires that happened in
directly by the fires. Even when animals
the Amazon Rainforest in 2018, lots of
survive, it can be hard for them to stay alive in
people are blaming climate change as the
the world left behind by the fires. That’s
because many of the places they live and their
Bushfires are common in Australia
sources of food have been destroyed. For that
because of the hot, dry weather. Stron g
reason, workers for Australia’s Nation al Park
winds can blow the flames and make them
are using helicopters to drop sweet pot atoe s
travel far and fast. This year bushfires have
and carrots onto 12 different areas where
set records for their size and the destruction
Rock-Wallabies live. Rock-Wallabies of ten
they’ve caused. The country has been going
survive bushfires, but can have difficulty
through a very long drought. The dry
finding enough to eat once the fires have
conditions make things burn easily. Other
passed. Scientists worry that the bushfires
weather patterns have just made things
might put an end to some kinds of animal that
worse. Though the bushfires weren’t caused
were already in danger of dying out.
directly by climate change, the climate crisis
In all, I think we should do something to
has helped create conditions that make
stop the climate crisis.
fires like this more likely and more seriou s.
Fast animals or those that can fly may be
able to escape a bushfire. Slow-mov ing