Page 7 - Quantum Times 2020 Spring Edition
P. 7
B Y A L I S A W . G R 4
B Y T R I S T A N Y . G R 3
The disease was reported in Wuhan in A new disease has begun in Wuhan,
December, 2019. For now, it is being called China. It is spreading wildly. Scientists are
2019-nCOV virus, aka Coronavirus. On January working on how it started and how to stop it.
26, the Chinese Government closed of f Wuhan The disease which causes pneumon ia was
to stop the virus from spreading. As of January discovered in December 2019, and
29,2020, there were 8000 cases and 99% of the confirmed on January 23, 2020 when the
cases are in China. disease happened.
Around the country, China has clos ed many It was told in many ways. The one I think is
restaurants and stores. Many airlines are most true is that water animals had the
stopping back on their flights to and from disease, and many people ate it raw (salmon
China. Even my piano teacher cannot come is not included). Another one people
back to Canada. believed is that it started with a market that
I hope that the experts find a cure for this virus. sells live animals, and the disease jumped
CORONAVIRUS from animal to humans
The coronavirus is also known as the
B Y A A R O N M . G R 4
“2019-nCov”. It looks like they have spiky
The Coronavirus began in Wuhan, China
rings like a crown, when seen through a
and has continued to spread and grow rapidly.
powerful microscope. Four of the
On January 23rd, 2020. The Chinese
coronavirus, is the common cold like the
government closed off Wuhan and several
feve, and the other two are the very seriou s
nearby cities, shutting in around 56 million
ones that can lead to deadly things.
people. The government wanted to limit the
The coronavirus is not much of a wor ry in
spread of the coronavirus.
Canada although there are eight peop le that
China’s government canceled large public
now have the disease. There is a very slim
celebrations of Chinese New Year, the
chance of getting the coronavirus in Canada.
country’s most important holiday festival.
Airlines to and from China have been shut
down. Chinese of all the sick peop le who have
this virus. Being sick is never fun. Stay healthy.