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 Osteomorphs – the  surgical robots

 power ranger bone cells

       Orthopedic procedures using robots are less
 Institute of Medical Research have   intrusive and deliver reproducible accuracy,
 discovered a new type of bone cell   resulting in shorter hospital stays and quicker
 called ‘osteomorphs’ that may   recovery times.
 reveal new therapeutic approaches
 for osteoporosis and other skeletal   i. Semi-active robots-
 diseases. Osteoclasts split into   By offering an eminent combination of
 smaller fragments to form   flexibility and accuracy, these robots are
 osteomorphs which fuse together   outperforming the conventional orthopedic
 forming osteoclasts again.   surgical robots and proving their mettle in
 Therefore, the cosmos has called it   delivering effective care. Semi-active robots
 a “recyclable cell”.  also provide user-friendly interfaces for easy
  Figure - 3D microscopy image of
       access and make the surgeries minimally
 They are also found in the blood   invasive as well as highly accurate.
 and bone marrow wherein they are                        Smart sensors will have
 maintained as reserve of cells that   ii. Patient-specific templates
 A better understanding of these
 Frodosome -  are ready to fuse and deploy when   cells and the genes that control   These templates enable the development of   applications in four arenas-
 osteoclasts are needed again.
       3-dimensional surgical plans for
 them may reveal new therapeutic
 new organelle   Researchers found that 17 out of a   targets for skeletal disease.  implementation, along with rapid designing   i. Smart Tools in the OR: Smart instruments with embed-
 total of 40 genes detected in
 named after   osteomorphs impact the amount of   rug-targets-for-osteoporosis-and-other-s  and manufacturing of tailor-made drilling and   ded sensors will help surgeons position the implant and balance
       cutting templates. Robotic intervention in
 'the hobbit' hero  bone and bone strength, indicating   keletal-diseases/  orthopedic surgeries offers immense scope for   the load during surgery.
 a critical role in bone maintenance.
       the effective application of these templates
 2.                   ii. Smart Diagnostics on Demand: It will relay diagnos-
 During animal experiments have   biology/new-recyclable-bone-cell/  onto the affected joint surfaces.
 Scientists have recently discovered a   been linked to human gene   tic data from inside the patient to the surgeon during regular
 new membrane-less fluid-like   variants that lead to skeletal   3.  patient follow-up visits.
 structure involved in bone metastasis.   dysplasia and control bone mineral   es/2021-02/giom-nto021821.php#:~:text=  Smart sensors for better
 It is unofficially named as the   The%20new%20cells%2C%20which%20t  diagnosis and   iii. Smart Diagnostics by Exception: It will send
 "frodosome" or "wise" organelle.  density.  %20therapy.  wireless data when they detect issues, like early infection,
 Source -  patient-care                                  osteolysis and stress shielding.
 It was discovered accidently while   1.
 scientist were studying DACT1 gene   bone-cell-type-identified-could-point-to-d  Smart implants provide built-in sensors to
 which suppresses critical signaling   offer real-time tracking and post-operative   iv. Treatment by Exception: It will detect a problem and
 pathways in cells that help in early   evaluation details to surgeons for better   “self-treat” the patient by delivering drug therapies or stimula-
 bone development and influence                           tion locally as needed. They may deliver antibiotics or growth
 cancer progression.  The researchers   patient safety across the clinical process.  factors long after surgery.
 think that frodosomes form when the
 protein DACT1 binds to other   Source -
 free-floating proteins and molecules
 in the cell.  1.
 The DCT1 gene regulates the Wnt   etastasis.aspx
 signaling pathway of cancer                             Source -
 metastasis. The frodosome plays a   2.  1.
 part in the spread of bone tumor by                     urgical-robots-market.asp
 suppressing the Wnt pathway.  3.  2.
 It's too early to say whether the   vers-new-organelle-involved-cancer-metastasis#:~:text=Princeton%20  3.
 frodosome will be a good drug   cancer%20researchers%20Yibin%20Kang,materials%20merge%20into  nt-revolution/
 target in metastatic cancer, but the   %20each%20other.  4.
 discovery is definitely an exciting                      edic-surgery-2020-technology/
 phenomenon.                                             Disclaimer: The contents of this page are formulated solely to render information about
                Smart                                    the latest technologies and inventions in orthopedics. This information is sourced from
                sensors                                  various online resources and may contain repetition of words, thoughts and ideas
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