P. 112

PROJEK PELAJAR (Diploma Politeknik)

                     PERKARA                                    MAKLUMAT
                                      • This project can carry a weight of 50kg to 80kg. This weight is

                                        enough to support the weight of the goods available in the market

                                        •The size of the item to be purchased must be more than 1.5
                Skop Kajian/Projek:
                                        inches. To buy the item should use plastic.

                                        •The height of the goods must not exceed 50cm

                Penglibatan Pelajar:
                (merujuk kepada
                skop kajian/projek)

                                                  The  project  is  applied  from  an  observation  based  on

                                        consumers in supermarkets who must wait a long time to make a
                                        payment at the payment counter. The scope of this study focuses

                                        on  developing  and  improvising  the  current  existing  sell  and
                                        purchase process that uses grocery cart to be quicker and more

                                        efficient for both sellers and customers. Nowadays, consumers

                                        in every local supermarket are having problems where they must
                                        line up long and wait for a long time at the checkout counter.

                                        This  can  be  clearly  seen  especially  during  the  festive  season,
                                        and it has become a heavy burden, especially to the elderly who

                Abstrak                 have health problems, those who are in a hurry, and those who
                                        are carrying babies. This product has been designed and created
                                        specifically to facilitate consumers by reducing the time taken

                                        when  shopping  and  during  the  payment  process  as  well  as
                                        speeding up the payment process while at the payment counter.

                                        The  design  of  Smart  Grocery  Cart  RFID  Case  was  designed
                                        using Autodesk  Fusion 360 Software and we produce it using

                                        3D Printing. This project used an Arduino and RFID system for

                                        programming. In addition, the device system is divided into two,
                                        namely the consumer part, and the supermarket owner part. This

                                        product is also proven to solve the problems faced by users.
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