Page 21 - Chamber Voice Magazine Summer 2023
P. 21

B D O   S P O N S O R E D   F E A T U R E

      A CHANGING LANDSCA                                     PE

      FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE & RISK MANAG EMENT             Virtual CFO services are a great example of a resource
      continued.......                                     outsourcing solution that can take stress out of business
                                                           financial management – offering ready access to
      Think about the “what-if’s”. The business landscape  specialist expertise in cases where businesses don’t have
      can change rapidly, and it’s important that your     the funds or means to effectively recruit this resource in a
      business is able to adapt to meet the market. When   tight labour market.
      forecasting, ensure you understand your potential
      financial position under a number of scenarios, and  Manage your stock. Supply chain issues are considered to
      plan what you would do to mitigate risk or           be a driver of negative wellbeing for business leaders,
      maximise opportunities in each.                      and while there’s no easy solution, you can start by
                                                           forecasting future sales to help determine what you need
      Look at your financials holistically. You should be as  to buy now.
      familiar with your overall financial picture as you are
      with your products and services, market, and         Keep a close eye on debtors to collect cash within
      industry. Review every metric, from net profit and   reasonable timeframes. Debtors can let payments drag
      gross margin to expenses, cash flow, and sales. Look  out in a bid to manage their own cost pressures. Look at
      at how these combine to build an accurate picture    your terms of trade and, if feasible, consider providing
      of how your business is performing.                  incentives for prompt payments.

      Review your pricing and margins to manage            Start simply. We know the climate agenda is a significant
      inflation. Increased business costs can squeeze your  focus for many businesses, but it can be difficult to know
      margins, so take the time to regularly review and    where to begin. A simple baseline analysis and
      update your pricing as necessary with a view to your  materiality assessment can help to establish where you
      competitive landscape. This is especially important  are now and where you want to be in the future.
      at the start of any significant project. Consider
      adding clauses to your contracts to help you adjust  Put business continuity plans in place. The past few years
      prices according to inflation.                       have taught us that the unexpected can happen. Solid
                                                           business continuity plans help your business to carry on
      Balance your workload. Workload is a constant        even if a major event occurs.
      juggle for business leaders and their teams. It’s
      important for business leaders to consider if some of  Seek help. This could be from your board, industry peers,
      their current projects, roles, and tasks could be    or professional advisers, including accountants and
      outsourced rather than assigning them to             lawyers. There are people out there who have not only
      employees.                                           seen these challenges before but can provide practical
                                                           guidance specific to your business situation.

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