Page 23 - Chamber Voice Magazine Summer 2023
P. 23

Q U A R T E R L Y   E C O N O M I C S


      Infometrics Quarterly Economic Monitor - September 2023

      Like most areas in the country, Marlborough’s            Marlborough’s population grew by 1.2%pa over
      economic growth has been slowing.                        the year to June 2023 according to Stats NZ’s
      Infometrics provisionally estimates that GDP             estimated resident population series, compared
      grew by 1.7%pa over the year to September                with growth of 2.1% nationally. Growth is up on
      2023, similar to the national economy. However,          the previous two years but down from the peak
      economic activity in the September 2023                  of 4.1% in 2022. Growth was bolstered by strong
      quarter was down 0.2%pa compared to the                  net international migration indicating that
      same quarter last year.                                  Marlborough is seen as a favourable place for
      The wine industry and its support services were          migrants and returning Kiwis to settle. Natural
      the bright spot for Marlborough, both in terms           change (births minus deaths) fell below zero for
      of contribution to economic growth and                   the first time.
      employment. The wine industry added 150 new              House values have continued to fall, dropping
      jobs over the year to September.                         to an average of $696,000 in the September
      Overall, employment of Marlborough residents             2023 quarter down from a peak of $780,000 in
      grew by a very strong 3.3%, above the national           the March 2022 quarter. The upside of falling
      rate of 3%. The average number of Jobseeker              house values is that housing affordability has
      Support recipients declined by 5.1%pa over the           improved for six consecutive quarters.
      year to September 2023 and the                           The construction sector in Marlborough will
      unemployment rate bucked the national                    continue to be busy over the next year. More
      upward trend and continued its downward                  than 280 residential consents were issued in
      trajectory to reach 2.3%.                                the year to September 2023, up from 247 in the
                                                               previous year. The total value of non-residential
                                                               consents over the year to September 2023
                                                               pushed above $100m for the first time since the
                                                               time series began in 1990.

                                                                                       GDP in Marlborough District
                                                                                       was provisionally up 1.7% for
                                                                                       the year to September 2023,
                                                                                       compared to a year earlier.
                                                                                       Growth was the same as in
                                                                                       New Zealand (1.7%).
                                                                                       Provisional GDP was $3,801
                                                                                       million in Marlborough
                                                                                       District for the year to
                                                                                       September 2023 (2022
                                                                                       prices). Annual GDP growth
                                                                                       in Marlborough District
                                                                                       peaked at 5.4% in the year to
                                                                                       December 2021.

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