Page 10 - Marlborough Chamber Voice Magazine Autumn 2023
P. 10

B U S I N E S S   F O C U S



      Advocacy marketing is when existing customers share their positive experience with your
      company to other people in their network. It prompts the most enthusiastic customers to amplify
      the voice of your brand and in turn brings in more business.

      When people genuinely love a brand, they’re              Three ways to turn customers into advocates:
      often happy to tell everyone they know about it.
      It's just gold when one of your loyal customers          1. Make customers feel appreciated.
      goes online and starts talking about how good            Every customer should feel like a VIP when they
      your product/service is! Perhaps they share a            do business with you. This starts by delivering
      photo or even better a video highlighting how            exceptional service at every single opportunity -
      awesome it is. The video then circulates among           from intuiative websites to helpful support at
      their friends, and boom – you have new                   the end of the phone if they run into an issue.
      customers!                                               You can also make customers feel appreciated
                                                               by giving them perks and extras, such as loyalty
      Marketing effectiveness is increased by around           programmes, access to special events, or
      54% when advocacy is employed, making                    priority purchasing.  This helps to  demonstrate
      advocate marketing one of the most affordable            that your relationship is more than just
      ways to bring in more customers.                         transactional.

      Some businesses excel at this strategy, whilst           2. Give them something to talk about.
      others are yet to explore how to get their               Share exciting news, exclusive sneak-peeks and
      customers to be their advocates.                         one-time-only discounts with your loyal
                                                               customers first. Then, encourage them to
      Brands like Uber, Coca-Cola, and Tesla have              spread the word to their networks so their
      implemented innovative ways to push more                 friends can get in on the fun. You could also
      and more customers into becoming their                    offer a referral reward for those who
      advocates. Using some clever ideas, they have            successfully encourage someone from their
      managed to prompt enthusiastic customers to              network to buy your product or service.
      amplify their voices.
                                                               3. Be active on multiple channels.
      But, you don't have to  be a big brand or have a         The more active you are on social media, the
      big budget to harness the power of advocacy              more likely you are to reach your fans. You don’t
      marketing.                                               need to be on every channel, but you should be
                                                               on more than one. Do some testing to figure
      When it comes to social media you don’t always           out where your fans are, and focus your efforts
      have to spend time and money on copy and                 on those channels.
      design – you can let your loyal customers
      handle that for you. Sharing their content
      makes it easier for consumers to relate to them
      and is more genuine.

      But here's the hard part. How can you capture
      your customers’ attention and turn them into
      fans who will actively advocate for your brand?

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