Page 18 - Marlborough Chamber Voice Magazine Autumn 2023
P. 18
Marlborough Boys' College
Technology Department
Recruitment Campaign
SUPPORT US HERE We want to create a world leading technology department that
creates a pipeline of well trained, highly motivated young
The ultimate aim is to develop a employees to invigorate and drive the Marlborough technology,
combined tech academy that is a
construction, engineering and aviation industries.
selling point for the region. If you
want to support this project you With no Head of Faculty (HOF) for three years, MBC has not been
can easily make a donation here. able to strategically plan their recruitment, infrastructure,
operational and curriculum planning.
$65k Goal
The Technology Department’s infrastructure and equipment is
$7,510 to date outdated and doesn’t reflect the technology found in businesses
throughout Marlborough.
Social Return on Both parties benefit when business and schools collaborate. In the
Investment Hastings Boys' High School collaboration “The Initiative” between
the school and Patton Engineering the return on investment was
In the period of scope, a similar measured at $5.10 for every dollar invested.
programme at Hastings Boys' High
School delivered $1,920,872 of MBC HOD RECRUITMENT & TECHNOLOGY
measurable good to society in
$1: $5.10 Stage One
Hastings Boys' High 1 Recruitment campaign to attract a talented Head of Faculty
School shows that for for the MBC Technology Department.
every $1 invested
$5.10 is returned to NZ
Stage Two
(Jan '20-Dec '21)
2 MBC HOF Technology to write strategic plan for
Technology Department to create a state of the art facility
HOF to work in partnership with industry steering group
and Smart and Connected to identify:
Local industry integrated into curriculum
Capital expenditure
Operational expenditure
Engineering Information
Technology Stage Three
3 MBC Technology department and Industry steering group
implementation of strategy over four years
Aviation Construction