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Different types of

        Dementia and their
                                                                                      What are some of the
        different causes.                                                             symptoms of Alzheimer’s?
        Dementia, is a general term that                                              The symptoms differ, depending on the stage.
        describes a state where an                                                    Research done has shown that in the early
        individual has decreased
        cognitive function, usually                                                   stage, the patient usually has no noticeable
        presenting with a) Memory loss,                                               symptoms.
        b) Confusion, c) Difficulty in
        Visual-geographical and spatial
        abilities.                                                                    There are 3 distinct stages in Alzheimer’s.
        Dementia is common in the
        elderly i.e. Senile Dementia and   a)  Mild Alzheimer’s                       These include:-
        becomes worse as one advances
        with age. However, some people           Disease                                      Late-onset (Senile) Alzheimer’s

        develop dementia at an earlier                           They may be unable to learn new
        age, due to genetic predisposition   At first, a person with Alzheimer's   things, carry out multistep tasks   arises from a complex series of
        i.e. Pre-senile dementia (From 50   disease may be aware of having                    brain changes that occur over
        years to 65 years of age).                               such as getting dressed, or coping
                                    difficulty in remembering things                          decades. The causes probably
        The different types of dementia   and organizing thoughts. A family   with new situations.
        include:-                                                                             include a combination of genetic,
                                    member or friend may be more    In addition, people at this stage   environmental, and lifestyle
            a)   Alzheimer’s Disease-
               Cause unknown but    likely to notice how the symptoms   may have a) Hallucinations i.e.   factors. The importance of any of
               genetic predisposition   worsen.                  seeing, or hearing things that   these factors in increasing or
               has shown to be a
               leading factor.                                   others are not able to see or hear,   decreasing the risk of developing
            b)   Vascular Dementia    During this stage, there is marked   or b) Delusions i.e. false beliefs
               Basically develops   confusion, as the patient is not                          Alzheimer’s may differ from
               following interruption   able to understand what is going   that conflict with reality.    person to person (MAYO
               of normal blood flow
               to the brain e.g. after a   on. As Alzheimer’s disease   c)  Sever Alzheimer’s disease   CLINIC).
               Cerebrovascular      progresses, people experience
               accident (CVA).                                                                If you have a family member with
            c)   Lewey Body Occurs   greater memory loss and other   People with severe Alzheimer’s   Dementia (close paternal or
               after protein substance   cognitive difficulties. Problems   disease cannot communicate and
               called Lewey body are                                                          Maternal) and you notice some
               deposited in the brain.   can include wandering and getting   are usually completely
               Usually associated   lost, trouble handling money and   dependent on others for their   symptoms similar to those of
               with movement                                                                  Alzheimer’s, it’s important to
               challenges e.g.      paying bills, repeating questions,   care. As the disease progresses,
               Parkinson’s disease.                               the person may be in bed most   seek Mental Health and
                                    taking longer to complete normal
                                                                                              Psychiatric services to screen and
                                    daily tasks, personality and   or all the time.
                                                                                              start treatment at an early stage.
        For support groups for people   behavior changes.
        living with Alzheimer’s and their                         What Causes Alzheimer’s?
        families, follow: - ADOK                                                              Early diagnosis and treatment
        (Alzheimer’s and Dementia    People are often diagnosed in this   Research has not yet identified    allows AD patients to maintain
        Organization Kenya) chat going   stage.
        on through;-                                             the causes of Alzheimer’s disease.   the highest levels of cognitive and
                                                                                              functional ability.
                                    b) Moderate Disease
           0723471096/ 0787111808                                 What is known are the risk
                                    During this stage, symptoms   factors i.e. Factors that may  begin to worsen. Memory loss   contribute to the illness.
                                    and confusion worsen, and people
                                                                 In people with early-onset
                                    begin to have problems                                        By     Gabriel Mwangi
                                                                 Alzheimer’s (Pre-senile), genetics
                                    recognizing family and friends.                                         Psychiatrist C/o
                                                                 is usually suspected.
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