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       You started with “Miraa” and cigarette, then slowly you added bhang and before you
       know it, you can’t stay without it. How do you avoid, or stop using the substances?
       Waxaad ku bilowdey “khat”iyo sigaar, ka dibna tartib tartiib ayaad ugu dartay
       hashiih oo ka hor intaadan ogayn, ma joogi kartid la’aanteed. Sideed uga fogaataa
                                                                                           Serenity Prayer
       ama u joojisaa isticmaalkooda.

                                                                                        God grant me the serenity,

                                             Some increase the brain chemicals and    To accept the things I cannot change,
                                             that’s why we feel “high”, energetic,
                                             aggressive and powerful. Others reduce the   Courage to change the things I can,
                                             amount of chemicals in our brains and that’s
                                             when we calm down, get drowsy and get   And wisdom to know the difference.
                                             into deep sleep. However, each time we use
                                             these substances, the brain gets used to the   Salaadaa Xasiloonida

                                             “dose” and one has to increase the amount
                                             in order to get the effects one got on the
                                             previous intake.                           Eeebe ha i siiyo aamiin,
                                             With repeated use, the brain reaches to a
                                             point where it becomes impossible to stop.   In la aqbalo waxyaabaha aanan beddeli
                                             Why? Because at this point, the chemicals         Karin,
                                             in the brain are not able to reach their
                                             functional levels without the substance. This   Ku dhiirrigeli in aan beddelo waxyaabaha
  We go to great lengths searching for specific   is now called ADDICTION.                  aan Kari karo,
  substances to take, why? Because for some reason, the    Seek our mental health services to help you
                                             stop the substance abuse and addiction.   Xikamadda in la ogaado Faraqa
  first time we either ingested them either through
                                             Qaarkod waxay kordhiyaan kiimikooyinka
  smoking, drinking or eating, we liked the effects they
                                             maskaxda waana sababtaasa awwgeed   HOW IT STARTS / SIDA AY U
  had on our moods.                          waxaan u dareemeynaa “jawi sare”
  Some made us high, others gave us sleep and others   firfircooni, dagaal badan oo xoog leh.Kuwa   BILAABANEYSO.
  calmed us or numbed us from the Psychological or   kale waxay yareeyaan xaddiga kiimikaada   Below is a video compiled by an anonymous
  physical pain we have been fighting. But how do this   maskaxda ku jirta taasina waa sababta aan u   person, he lost a son through addiction. As a
  substances work?                           degno,oo aan lulno oo aan u aadno hurdo   parent, relative or friend, click on the link, watch
                                             qoto dheer.                        and share. (Father, 2017)
  Our brain uses chemicals to allow each part of our
                                             Si kastaba ha noqotee, waqti kasta oo aan u   Hoos waxaa ku yaal fiidiyow ay diyaariyeen qof
  body to function. Some of the substances we take have
                                             isticmaalno maandooriyahaas, maskaxdu   aan magaciisa la aqoon, kaas oo u waayay wiil
  a direct contact with these chemicals.     waxay u baratay “qaadashada”, waana in   ay qabatimay qabatinka.
  Waxaan u soconaa dherer aad u weyn raadinta   mid la kordhiyo qadarka si loo helo   Waalid ahaan, qaraabo ama saaxiib, guji
  waxyaabo gaar ah oo aan qaadan karno, sababtu?   saamaynta mid ka mid ah isku daygii hore.   xiriirinta, fiirso oo wadaag.
  Sababtoo ah sabab ahaan awgeed, markii ugu   Marka la isticmaalo soo noqnoqda.
  horreysay ee aan ku sumoobo iyaga oo cabbaya ama   Maskaxdu waxay gaartaa heer ay ku
                                             adkaato in la joojiyo. Maxaa? Sababtoo ah
  cabbaya cunaya, waxaan jeclaannay saameynta ay ku
                                             waqtigaan, kiimikooyinka maskaxda ku jira
  yeesheen niyaddeena.
                                             ma awoodaan inay gaaraan heerarkooda
  Qaarkood waxay naga dhigen meel sare, qaarna way na   shaqo la’aanteed. Tan waxaa hadda looo
  seexiyen kuwa kale way Na xasiliyen ama naga nastay   yaqaannaa QABATINKA.
  xanuunka nafsiyan ama jir ahaaneed ee aan la   Raadso adeegyadeena caafimaadka
  dagaalamaynay. Laakiin side ayay walxahaani u   maskaxda inay kaa caawiyan joojinta
  shaqeeyaan?                                mukhaadaraadka iyo balwadda.
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