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Trinity Online Treatment
        IS S UE
        02                                                               Centre Journal

        MO N T H
        Y E A R
                                                                                                       this issue
                                                                                     Enterpreneurship  amidst the COVID 19  P.1

         Modern Mental                                                                                   Depression  P.2
         Health service                                                            Confinement,a breading ground for GBV  P.3
                                                                                                    Trinity Care Team P.4

         What is it? It is the
         application of
         telemedicine to the
         specialty field of          ENTERPRENUERSHIP AMIDST THE COVID 19
         psychiatry. The term        PANDEMIC.
         typically describes the                                                currently not affected by the pandemic
                                      What is entrepreneurship?
         delivery of psychiatric
                                                                                Food delivery services, with the restrictions put in the place
         assessment and care          Simply  put  it  is  the  combining  of  ideas,  hard  work  and   this business is thriving providing employment for some to
         through                      adjustment  to  the  changing  market,  meeting  market   cater for increase in demand.
         telecommunications           demands and management. Entrepreneurship is one of the
                                                                                Some hotels are still providing take away meals in
         technology.                  resources economists categorize as integral to production,
                                                                                collaboration with the delivery services hence still open for
                                      other three being land/natural resources labour and capital.   business
                                      How has covid affected entrepreneurship?   How does entrepreneurship affect mental health
         What is it?
         Telecounseling is a          Note  entrepreneurs  seek  opportunities  to  make  money
         modern way to receive        regardless  of  the  economic  situation,  currently  some   Think of it this way, mental health is affected by our day to
         therapy through a            businesses  are  thriving,  like  there  has  been  a  surge  in   day activities, hence entrepreneurs are always strategizing
         secured platform to          consumption of media products from online bookstores to   and coming up with ideas, taking risks hoping for profits.
                                                                                This kind of activity enables one to overcome certain
         facilitate video sessions,   news  to  online  trainings.  On  the  other  hand,  small  and
                                                                                challenges with ease and build their mental strength.
         ongoing direct               medium  enterprises  which  generate  bulk  of  employment
         messaging therapy or a       have been hit hard.                       Lastly an entrepreneur is in control of most if not all the
         combination of both.                                                   outcome of whatever they are pursuing hence that kind of
                                      So,What  are  some  of  different  sectors  thriving  in  this   mental freedom is key and has a positive impact on one’s
                                      time?                                     mental health.

                                      Online  businesses  are  currently  doing  well  despite  the    NOTE: so much will change after this pandemic some of the

                                      coroner effect people are starting to realize the importance   world’s richest people created their wealth during major
                                                                                world crises like the “great depression” and are called
                                      of having a digital footprint and translating their physical
                                                                                survivalist entrepreneurs. After this most people are going to
                                      businesses to online e.g., online work out trainers, online
                                                                                gravitate towards being entrepreneurs.
                                      education and virtual assistants.

                                      Network marketing, a controversial sector but some of the
                                      legitimate companies are usually purely online and are

                                                                                                         By Caroline Wanjiru
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