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        Stress from


        Stress is a fact of life,we
        can not avoid it where as
        depression is an illness that
        can not only reduce once
        capability in being
        productive in life but can
        lead to loss of life through

        suicide if not treated.     DEPRESSION; What is it and How do I know if I have it?
        It is vitally important to   What Is Depression?        Can cause depression among    medication (antidepressants) and

        recognise the difference                                victims of such. (NIMH, 2020)   Psychotherapy, where various
        between seemingly similar   Depression(Unipolar depression)                           behavioral therapies may be used
        emotions and symptoms of   is a mood disorder that leads to a   How can you know if you are   to solve the problem. If not
        depression and daily stress,   feeling of sadness, loss of interest   suffering from depression?
        so we can identify and deal                                                           treated,it can lead to complete loss
        with them in the           in pleasurable activities and poor   One should look out for the   of contact with surroundings , self
        appropriate manner.        productivity.                                              ,society and  can lead to suicide.
        Whether it’s a traffic jam   There are more than 264 Million
        on the way to work, an                                     •   Feeling of hopelessness   It  is  very  important  to  contact  a
        important job interview, or   people globally  suffering from   or sadness            health  practitioner  when  you
        the death of a loved one,   depression (World Health                                  notice   any   of   the   above
        everyone experiences       Organisation(WHO), 2020)        •   Loss of interest in
        varying degrees of stress                                                             symptoms.  Through  technology,
        from time to time. In small   Who is at risk of  developing    activities that used to   you can be able to get the services
        doses, stress can be                                           enjoy                  from  the  comfort  of  your  home.
        beneficial. It can motivate   depression?                                             Trinity  treatment  centre  offers
        you to reach your goals and                                •   Lack of sleep( insomnia)
        help you accomplish tasks   The known risk factors to          or sleeping too much   virtual  psychiatric  services.  We
        more efficiently. Stress is   depression include:-                                    have a team of psychiatrists and
        key for human survival, but                                •                          psychologists  that  are  ready  to
        too much stress can be     a)Family history of depression-     increased fatigue and
        detrimental to your health.   increases the chances of getting   loss of energy       assist you through a phone call.
        When you feel stressed for
        weeks or months on end,    the disorder.                   •   difficulty concentrating    Our  team  will  listen  to  your
        stress can make it difficult                                   or making decisions    symptoms,  make  a  diagnosis  and
        to concentrate, disrupt your   b)Stressful events such as loss of
        sleep, and make you feel   a loved one, loss of a job or   •   weight changes , either   come  up  with  a  sound  course  of
        like you can’t overcome    physical abuse. The Covid-19                               treatment.  You  are not  alone,  we
        challenges in your life.   pandemic has brought about          weight loss or gain
                                                                                              are here for you.
                                   anxiety with many people having   •   Suicidal thoughts or
        Incase of the              fear of getting infected , dying or
        above,speaking to a        even loosing their loved ones.      attempted suicide
        licensed and trained       Due to the strict measures in place
        mental health specialist                                What can you do if you notice
        is crucial to get          to prevent spread of the virus,   someone or you have the above
        assistance.                majority of the people have lost   symptoms?
                                   their jobs and some going for
                                                                Depression is treated using
                                   unpaid leave. These can                                                            By Vivian Wanjiku

                                   psychiatrist and the client.
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