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   Confinement, is a breeding ground for domestic violence’

     Sexual and gender based violence                          As a child, parent or spouse to an
                                  Domestic violence can be between
     cases have doubled in Kenya since                         addict or patient, it is imperative
                                  a  husband  and  wife,  parents  to
     the onset of Covid-19.                                    to notice changes in behavior in      Trinity Treatment
                                  their  children,  adult  children  and
                                                               order to avoid violence at home.   Centre
     This  is  no  different  from  other   their  parents.  Even  though  there
                                                               Seeking psychosocial support is
     countries  around  the  world.   are  cases  against  both  genders,
                                                               the surest way to arrest the
     According  to  the  Chief  Justice,   violence  against  women  is  more
                                                               situation before it gets out of
     David Maraga, domestic violence   prevalent.
     cases account for 38.5%. Financial
                                  According  to  international  data,
     insecurity,  anxiety  and  stress                         At Trinity Treatment Center,    trinitytreatmentcentre@yaho
                                  10-50  percent  of  women  have
     caused  by  the  pandemic  have                           psychosocial and psychiatric
                                  experienced  abuse  in  intimate
     contributed   greatly   in   the                          services are available round the
                                  relationships in their lifetime.
     skyrocketing of domestic violence                         clock.
     incidences in the world.     The  relationship  between  mental
                                                                  “When it comes to abuse,
                                  health,  substance  abuse  and  domestic
      In the words of Marlene Schiappa,                        you believe there’s no way
                                  violence  is  in  cause  and  effect.  The
     the  French  secretary  of  equality;
                                  concurrent use of alcohol and drugs by   out. There is always help.
     ‘confinement is a breeding ground
                                  individuals  with  mental  health  issues   There is always a way out.”
     for domestic violence’.
                                  increases violence incidences. Equally,   ― Rev. Donna Mulvey
     Domestic violence is defined by APA   domestic  violence  can  lead  to  mental
     (American Psychological Association)   health issues and substance abuse.

     as a pattern of physical, psychological
                                  Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, addicts
     and  sexual  mistreatment  against  a
                                  are not able to access substance which
     person  in  an  intimate  relationship  to
                                  may lead to irritation that more often
     gain  power  and  authority.  Domestic
                                  than not, results in domestic violence.
     violence  results  in  physical  injuries,
     psychological harmful and even death.
                                                                                   By Evelyne wanjiru
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