Page 11 - Ready Set Retire
P. 11

Ready. Set. Retire!

     Ready Step 1: Know Thyself

R etirement planning is rarely about the money.
                True, money plays a pivotal role in the quality of
                your retirement, but planners who focus on the
money are doing their clients a real disservice. People are
anything but rational about their money. Normal, balanced,
and high-functioning people become irrational about their

Discovering the source of our clients’ financial dysfunction
makes it possible for us to address it and get past it. When we
can do this, we can craft a plan that work financially and
emotionally. This is key to financial plans. You might have the
best possible approach financially, but if you can’t sleep at
night, it’s worthless.

One key thing we do for people is set up plans that allow them
to “spend freely.” Not with reckless abandon: freely. The
difference is significant. Spending freely still means having a
budget, being disciplined, and living within your means.
However, many people do just that and still obsess over their
money. They are worried that if they employ the plan they will
still run out of money. More people worry about running out
of money than worry about death, by almost two to one:

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