Page 6 - ECLAT 2023-2024
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Dear Students,                                                                                        Extracurricular activities are categorically looked after with

          Writing for 'ECLAT ' is always a matter of pleasure.                                                  the aim of total personality development

          Being  here  for  last  31  years  makes  this  college  a  very                                      The campus is always humming with the sports activities.

          special place in my heart.                                                                            The  participation  and  awards  of  students  in  various

          Recognized  as  one  of  best  colleges  in  the  region  MGM                                         academic,  sports  &  cultural  activities  in  intercollegiate,
          engineering  college  is  a  preferred  choice  for  aspiring                                         inter  university,  state  and  national  levels  speak  volumes

          engineering students.                                                                                 about t Adoption to and application of new technology has

          With the efforts of our dedicated and caring faculty we try                                           to  be  an  integral  part  of  the  education  on  campus  so

          to make it an enriching experience for the students learning                                          collaborations  with  organizations  like  Microsoft,  Oracle,

          here.  Our  ex-students  graduated  here  being  accepted                                             Indo-German Tool Room, BARC has helped adding quality

          world  over  by  the  organizations  of  repute  strengthen  our                                      aspect to the learning process in MGM campus.

          belief.                                                                                               Special  efforts  are  taken  for  training  the  students  for

          Some commendable success, some failures to work on and                                                communication  skills  and  interview  techniques  etc.  has

          continuous efforts is what is functioning of the institution.                                         considerably increased the campus placements

          Enhancing the quality of education is our primary task.                                               The unusual hobbies like astronomy club are also nurtured

          To go on setting higher standards and enhancing those with                                            with  Techlife  (The  technocrats  living  in  friendship  with
          every batch is the essence of our existence with the quality                                          Environment).  Some  values  are  imbibed  to  carry  over  for

          conscious vision of our inspiration-our Chairman.                                                     life through these creative activities.

          Pinnacle  of  excellence  is  a  long  journey  but  going  ahead                                     NSS  club  and  certain  social  activities  strengthen  the

          step  by  step  is  important  to  reach  the  destination  of                                        character  base.  Looking  at  our  students  contributing  and

          dream.                                                                                                donating  meaningfully  for  the  needy  people  visiting  the

          With  the  technological  advances,  academic  processes  are                                         orphanage and organizing activities for the children really

          no  longer  confined  to  class  room  based  education.  Our                                         give  immense  satisfaction  reassuring  the  sensibility  of

          Distance  Education  Programme  activity  in  collaboration                                           youth.

          with  IIT  Mumbai  has  helped  establish  this  contributing  to                                     The future is full of opportunities and promises.

          great extent for upliftment of faculty and students in turn.                                          To  be  able  to  express  and  communicate  with  clear

          This year Laboratory improvements have brought in some                                                understanding and focused attitude is required to sustain
          finest  equipment  enriching  the  practical’s  performed  and                                        in  professional  life.  And  this  begins  with  writing  for

          the laboratory experience here. The library has maintained                                            magazine. I am glad students have come up with their nice

          the status well above the required Standards.                                                         creations in various forms.

          The  distinguished  Professors  like  Dr.  D.B.  Phatak  (IIT,                                        The most satisfying thing is students have taken up issue of

          Mumbai), Dr. Amitabha Ghosh (Ex Director, IIT Kharagpur),                                             child labour this time as their central theme Every time a

          Dr. Shiv Kapoor (Professor University of Illionois, USA), Dr.                                         new social aspect is taken up for the college magazine and

          Kornell  Ehmann  (Professor  North  Western  University,                                              this  ensures  the  journey  of  MGM  students  not  only  as  a

          Chicago, USA) make it a unique experience for the faculty                                             technocrat but as a nice human being. And

          and the students to get exposed to the latest technologies                                            nurturing  the  talents  of  the  students  and  help  them
          of  the  world.  It  is  a  great  privilege  to  be  associated  with                                realizing their dreams...

          these luminaries.                                                                                     With love and best wishes for all our students....

                                                                                                                                            Dr. Geeta S. Lathkar


                                                                                                                                       Mahatma Gandhi Mission
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